🇲🇽 New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - Grupo Famsa S.A.B. de C.V. 🇲🇽

Grupo Famsa S.A.B. de C.V.

June 26, 2020

This may very well be the most boring bankruptcy case of all time.

Grupo Famsa S.A.B. de C.V., a Mexican retailer and personal lender with 22 stores and 29 personal loan branches in the states of Texas and Illinois (in addition to 379 stores in Mexico), filed a prepackaged chapter 11 bankruptcy case in the Southern District of New York to basically just refi out a whopping $59.1mm of 7.25% senior notes that were due on June 1 2020. These 2020 notes constitute a remaining stub piece that didn’t participate in an October 2019 exchange offer. In that transaction, the then-outstanding 2020 notes were exchanged for 9.75% senior secured notes due 2024. $80.9mm tendered into that offer. The $59.1mm at issue here … uh … well, clearly … did not.

Holders of the 2020 notes who vote in favor of the plan will get new Series A notes in the same principal amount plus interest and cash in an amount of $10 per $1,000 principal amount of 2020 notes. These Series A notes will pay 10.25% interest and mature in December ‘23.

Those who reject the plan will receive new Series B notes in the same principal amount equal to what they hold (read: no cash payment). The Series B notes accrue interest at 9.75% and mature in December ‘24. All other potential claims against the debtor will be reinstated or unimpaired.

The upshot? It paid to holdout! Those who support the plan and get the Series A notes will get the same principal amount of notes, a higher rate and have shorter duration risk. Well played.

  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of New York (Judge Chapman)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Pedro Jimenez, Shlomo Maza, Derek Cash)

    • Claims Agent: Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - RentPath Holdings Inc.

RentPath Holdings Inc.

February 12, 2020

RentPath Holdings Inc. and eleven affiliated entities (the “debtors”), a digital marketing solutions enterprise that links property managers with prospective renters to simplify the residential rental experience, filed for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware. The business did $226.7mm of revenue in fiscal 2019 and had EBITDA of $46.8mm.

Where there’s money there’s competition. Where there’s competition, revenue maintenance becomes more challenging. And because of that competition, the debtors were forced to up their marketing spend and promotional activity which dented liquidity. A lack of liquidity presents some really big problems when your annual interest expense is $54.4mm on approximately $700mm of funded debt. For the math challenged, $46.8mm against approximately $700mm of funded debt means that this sucker has a leverage ratio of approximately 15. Or as President Trump would say, “It’s UUUUUUUUUUUGE.” Clearly that is unsustainable AF.

The good news is that the debtors have found themselves a potential buyer, CSGP Holdings LLC, an affiliate of CoStar Group Inc. ($CSGP), which has come forward with a $587.5mm cash bid (plus the assumption of certain liabilities) for the debtors’ assets. The debtors hope to consummate the sale pursuant to a plan of reorganization. To get there and fund the cases in the interim, the debtors obtained a fully-backstopped commitment of $74.1mm in DIP financing from certain members of the crossholder ad hoc committee and other first lien lenders.

  • Jurisdiction: (Judge Shannon)

  • Capital Structure: $37.95mm First Lien Revolving Facility, $479.75mm First Lien Term Loan, $170mm Second Lien Term Loan

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP (Ray Schrock, David Griffiths, Andriana Georgallas, Gaby Smith, Alexander Cohen, Kyle Satterfield, Justin Pitcher, Leslie Liberman, Martha Martir, Richard Slack, Amanda Burns Shulak) & Richards Layton & Finger PA (Daniel DeFrancheschi, Zachary Shapiro)

    • Independent Director: Marc Beilinson, Dhiren Fonseca

    • Financial Advisor: Berkeley Research Group LLC

    • Investment Banker: Moelis & Company (Zul Jamal)

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • DIP Agent & First Lien Agent:

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Michael Baker, Shekhar Kumar)

    • Successor Second Lien Agent: Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB

      • Legal: Pryor Cashman LLP (Seth Lieberman, Patrick Sibley, Marie Polito Hofsdal) & Ashby & Geddes PA (William Bowden, Gregory Taylor)

    • Crossholder Ad Hoc Committee

      • Legal: Milbank LLP (Evan Fleck, Nelly Almeida, Andrew Harmeyer) & Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Robert Dehney, Joseph Barsalona)

    • Second Lien Ad Hoc Committee

      • Legal: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (Philip Dublin, Rachel Biblo Block) & Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Robert Dehney, Joseph Barsalona)

    • Stalking Horse Purchaser: CSGP Holdings LLC (CoStar Group Inc.)

      • Legal: Jones Day (Daniel Moss, Nicholas Morin) & Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP (Jeremy Ryan, R. Stephen McNeill)

    • Large Equityholders: Providence Equity & TPG

      • Legal: Vinson & Elkins LLP (David Meyer)

🐟New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy & CCAA Filing - Bumble Bee Parent Inc.🐟

Bumble Bee Parent Inc.

November 21, 2019

Tuna fish went from playing a role in the founding of one of the world’s largest private equity firms (Blackstone) to, in the case of Bumble Bee Parent Inc. and its affiliated debtors, another private-equity-backed (Lion Capital LLP) bankruptcy. Bumble Bee is the company behind “shelf-stable seafood” brands Bumble Bee, Brunswick, Sweet Sue, Snow’s Beach Cliff and Wild Selections (as well as a Canadian brand). It has been on a wild ride since 2017.

The bankruptcy narrative is that a plea agreement with the United States Department of Justice related to criminal charges of alleged price-fixing led to burdensome financial obligations by way of (a) a $25mm criminal fine) and (b) defense costs associated with an onslaught of subsequent civil lawsuits from direct and indirect purchasers of products claiming damages arising out of the alleged price-fixing. This overhang ultimately led to the debtors arriving at, but not quite tripping, an event of default with their term lenders in Q4 ‘18. The debtors have been operating under a series of short-term limited waivers ever since as they sought to explore strategic alternatives.

They have one. The debtors have a stalking horse purchase agreement with affiliates of FCF Co. Ltd.for the sale of substantially all of the Company’s assets at a total implied enterprise value of up to $930.6 million, comprised of $275 million of cash, assumption of the remaining $17 million of the DOJ Fine, and the roll-over of up to $638.6 million in outstanding term loan indebtedness.” This sale will preserve the business as a going concern, preserve jobs, and provide an ongoing business partner to vendors and customers who consider the debtors to be partners.

Debtor first day bankruptcy papers are typically replete with spin and these papers are no different. In fact, necessarily so, they read like an offering memorandum. The papers discuss how the debtors provide “nutricious foods” that are “well-positioned to address a number of important consumer preferences and food trends, including shifts toward protein-rich, low-fat/low-calorie, and high Omega-3 fatty acid diets and trends towards eating multiple small or ‘snack-sized’ portions per day rather than the traditional three-square meals per day, and an overall increase in ‘snacking.’” They have the #1 or #2 market share in the shelf-stable seafood category and 41% of the US share of sales of canned albacore tuna. They also hold “approximately 13% of the U.S. share of sales of canned “light meat” tuna, approximately 12% of the share of sales in tuna pouches, approximately 71% of the U.S. share of sales in ready-to-eat tuna meals, approximately 40% of the U.S. share of sales in sardines, and approximately 16% of the U.S. share of sales in salmon.” It helps that they’re sold at virtually every major bigbox retailer, wholesale club, and grocery store. In 2018, the company had net sales of approximately $933m and adjusted EBITDA of $112.3m and the debtors’ U.S.-based operations contributed $722.2m of net sales and adjusted EBITDA of $86.3m. This is big business.

Putting aside its recent brush with the law, it also faces big market challenges. Questions persist about the safety and viability of shelf-stable seafood, particularly tuna. Indeed, there are headwinds. One sign of this may be that the Company’s overall Adjusted EBITDA has declined by approximately 20% from 2015 to 2018. We assume that, here, the EBITDA is adjusted to ex-out litigation costs.

And then there is this bonkers Wall Street Journal piece noting that consumption of canned tuna has fallen steadily compared with fresh and frozen fish. “Per capita consumption of canned tuna has dropped 42% in the three decades through 2016, according to the latest data available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And the downturn has continued, with sales of the fish slumping 4% by volume from 2013 to October 2018, data from market-research firm IRI show.

This bit is off the charts: “In a country focused on convenience, canned tuna isn’t cutting it with consumers. Many can’t be bothered to open and drain the cans, or fetch utensils and dishes to eat the tuna. “A lot of millennials don’t even own can openers,” said Andy Mecs, vice president of marketing and innovation for Pittsburgh-based StarKist, a subsidiary of South Korea’s Dongwon Group.” To address this trend, the debtors have made forays into the fresh fish category. Otherwise, these challenges will play out another day. With a different owner.

A few more bankruptcy-specific points:

  1. The debtors prevailed over a fee objection by the United States Trustee relating to interim access to $40mm of a proposed $80mm DIP term loan facility and immediate access to a $200mm DIP ABL. It seems that Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, as counsel to DIP term lender Brookfield Principal Credit LLC had to give the UST a lesson in reverse-Seinfeld Logic. With lending, it is about “taking the reservation” rather than holding or using the reservation: once a debtor obtains a commitment to funds, those funds are committed and technically cannot be allocated elsewhere. The lenders argue, therefore, that fees are warranted upfront.

  2. Critical vendor motions can sometimes be controversial because, naturally, everyone wants to jump the line with critical vendor designation. To get it, however, pursuant to standards set many many years ago, there’s a multi-prong test that must be satisfied. In a nutshell, the critical vendor payments are needed to prevent disruption of a debtors’ business, among other things. Here, the buyer, FCF Co Ltd., seeks critical vendor status to the tune of $51mm (out of a $77mm critical vendor ask). Some other creditors were like “Mmmmmm???” and insisted that the Judge postpone any interim payments until an official committee of unsecured creditors could be appointed. Despite protests from FCF’s counsel, Weil for the DIP lender, and the debtors, Judge Silverstein declined to rule on the motion at the hearing, highlighting the unusual nature of a prospective buyer seeking status. If they want the business, will they really walk away?

Despite these first day fireworks, this should be a relatively smooth one.

One last question it poses is this: will this be just the first of a clump of tuna-related bankruptcies? 🤔

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Silverstein)

  • Capital Structure: see below.

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP (Alan Kornberg, Kelly Cornish, Claudia Tobler, Christopher Hopkins, Rich Ramirez, Aidan Synnot) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Pauline Morgan, Ryan Bartley, Ashley Jacobs, Elizabeth Justison, Jared Kochenash)

    • Board of Directors: Scott Vogel, Steve Panagos

    • Financial Advisor: AlixPartners LLP

    • Investment Banker: Houlihan Lokey Inc.

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • ABL Agent & DIP Agent: Wells Fargo Capital Finance LLC

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Michael Comerford, Peter Burke) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

    • Term Loan Agent & Term Loan DIP Agent: Brookfield Principal Credit LLC

      • Legal: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP (Matthew Barr, David Griffiths, Debora Hoehne, Yehudah Buchweitz) & Richards Layton & Finger PA (Paul Heath, Zachary Shapiro, Brendan Schlauch)

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⛽️New Chapter 11 Filing - Arsenal Resources Development LLC⛽️

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An “array of resources available for a certain purpose” connotes something positive — an advantage to the party in possession of the resources. Of the arsenal. Bankruptcy sure loves to flip things on their head. We’re looking at you Arsenal Resources Development LLC.

Arsenal Resources Development LLC and 16 affiliated companies filed for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware on Friday. This marked the second prepackaged chapter 11 filing for entities affiliated with the Arsenal enterprise in less than 12 months. In February, Arsenal Energy Holdings LLC, a holding company, filed a 9-day prepackaged bankruptcy to effectuate a debt-for-equity swap of $861mm of subordinated notes. We wrote at the time:

Pursuant to its prepackaged plan of reorganization, the company will convert its subordinated notes to Class A equity. Holders of 95.93% of the notes approved of the plan. The one holdout — the other 4+% — precipitated the need for a chapter 11 filing. Restructuring democracy is a beautiful (and sometimes wasteful) thing.


The company, itself, is about as boring a bankruptcy filer as they come: it is just a holding company with no ops, no employees and, other than a single bank account and its direct and indirect equity interests in certain non-debtor subs, no assets. The equity is privately-held.

More of the action occurred out-of-court upon the recapitalization of the non-debtor operating company. Because of the holdout(s), the company, its noteholders, the opco lenders (Mercuria) and the consenting equityholders agreed to consummate a global transaction in steps: first, the out-of-court recap of the non-debtor opco and then the in-court restructuring of the holdco to squeeze the holdouts. For the uninitiated, a lower voting threshold passes muster in-court than it does out-of-court. Out-of-court, the debtor needed 100% consent. Not so much in BK. (emphasis added).

Critically, the February restructuring did not successfully amend any of the company’s gathering agreements. Trade creditors were unimpaired and unaffected (economically).

With this bankruptcy filing, the operating companies are now in chapter 11. Which makes statements like these…

…technically incorrect. This isn’t a Chapter 22 per se. This isn’t even what we’d dub going forward, a Crapter 22-12 (two bankruptcy filings in 12 months a la Hercules Offshore Inc., another misleadingly-strong-named-failure-of-an-enterprise) or the “Two-Year Rule” violating Crapter 22-24 (two bankruptcy filings in 24 months a la Gymboree).* This is actually David’s Bridal in reverse: an out-of-court restructuring quickly followed in short order by an in-court restructuring. This is, technically, a “reverse Chapter 11.5.” We know…this is getting to be a bit much, but work with us here, folks: when the restructuring process becomes this much of a joke, jokester labels apply.

Founded in 2011, Arsenal is an independent exploration and production company that acquires and develops “unconventional” nat gas resources in the Appalachian Basin; it has 177k acres in the Marcellus Shale. The company is headquartered in Pennsylvania but its primary acreage and horizontal wells exist in West Virginia. The company had $120.1mm of revenue in ‘18 and appears on track to more or less match that in ‘19 ($59.3mm through June’s end, so, okay, maybe “less”).

In its latest Disclosure Statement, the company has the cajones to spitball the following:

“The Company creates value by leveraging its technical expertise and local knowledge to assemble a portfolio of concentrated, high-quality drilling locations, develop its acreage position safely and efficiently and install midstream infrastructure to support its upstream activities.”

Except, all we see here — across two recapitalization transactions in less than 12 months — is value destruction across the enterprise.** To be fair, the natural gas price environment has been far from accommodating over the last year. It is primarily for that reason — and a still too-levered balance sheet — that the company is in bankruptcy. This is telling:

…following the Prior Plan Effective Date, the E&P industry’s declining trend continued through fiscal year 2019, as exhibited by the following chart, depicting a natural gas futures-strip priced on the Prior Plan Effective Date compared against the same strip priced on October 22, 2019. As shown in the chart, since the Prior Plan Effective Date, realized gas prices have been on average 8.1% below futures strip (and the forward looking October 22, 2019 strip is on average 8.6% lower today than February 14, 2019 strip). Indeed, since the Prior Plan Effective Date, through September 30, 2019, 31 E&P companies have filed for chapter 11 protection. This represents a significant increase compared to the 22 E&P companies that filed for chapter 11 during the first 9 months of 2018.

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Compounding matters is the balance sheet:

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The new plan, which has been agreed upon by all three of the major constituencies party to the capital structure, will:

  • provide the Debtors with access to $90mm in DIP credit from Citibank NA, the debtors’ prepetition RBL Lenders and, upon confirmation and emergence from bankruptcy, a $130mm exit facility;

  • convert the term loan and seller notes into 100% of the equity in the reorganized debtors (subject to dilution) from a $100mm equity infusion from lenders Chambers and Mercuria.

This filing also requires — as a condition to the equity infusion — the implementation of amendments to two of five of the debtors’ gathering agreements and the rejection, assumption or consensual amendment of the remaining three agreements. Why? The debtors note:

“…certain of the Gathering Agreements impose significant minimum volume commitments (“MVCs”) at uneconomic fixed prices, thereby requiring ARE, the debtor party to the agreements, to pay for pipeline access, whether or not it is fully utilizing that capacity.”

Significantly, the debtors have reached agreement with the two gathering agreement counterparties on more realistic obligations in the current nat gas environment. Accordingly, the debtors hope to have this case completed by the end of February.

*Credit for “Crapter 11” belongs to loyal reader, David Guess, a Partner, who, congratulations are in order, recently moved over to Greenberg Traurig in Irvine CA. Cheers David!

**That is, unless we factor in the professionals. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, Alvarez & Marsal LLC, PJT Partners Inc., and Prime Clerk LLC all get a second bite at the apple. Who says that debtor-work doesn’t have recurring revenue??

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Shannon)

  • Capital Structure: See Above.

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP (Michael Torkin, Kathrine McLendon, Nicholas Baker, William Russell Jr., Edward Linden, Jamie Fell) & Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Pauline Morgan, Kara Coyle, Ashley Jacobs)

    • Financial Advisor: Alvarez & Marsal LLC

    • Investment Banker: PJT Partners Inc. (Avi Robbins)

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Prepetition RBL Agent and DIP Agent: Citibank NA

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer) & Richards Layton & Finger PA (Mark Collins, David Queroli)

      • Financial Advisor: RPA Advisors

    • Gathering Agreement Counterparty: Equitrans Midstream Corporation ($ETRN)

      • Legal: Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC (Mary Caloway, Mark Pfeiffer, TImothy Palmer)

New Chapter 11 Filing - Fleetwood Acquisition Corp.

Fleetwood Acquisition Corp.

November 4, 2019

Pennsylvania-based Fleetwood Acquisition Corp. and two affiliated debtors, Fleetwood Industries Inc. and High Country Millwork Inc., filed for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware. The filing constitutes a “second order effect” bankruptcy in that, according to the debtors, it results primarily from two dominant macroeconomic trends entirely outside of their own control: (i) the #retailapocalypse; and (ii) President Trump’s trade war with China. As we’ll discuss below, the filing will have uniquely American ramifications — at least for a participant in retail business.

Fleetwood Industries and High Country Millwork Inc. are “providers of customized fixtures and displays” primarily servicing the retail and hospitality industries; they are “full service fixturing companies beginning with creative and collaborative design services and continuing through the manufacturing and installation processes.” Said another way, they design, build, install and service display shelving, casing and checkout infrastructure that you look at and use whenever you go shopping. You probably never even think about who makes that stuff and how lucrative it might be: interestingly, in 2018, the business had $70mm in sales. The debtors list scores of retailers as clients including, ominously, Destination Maternity, Gymboree, JC Penney, Quiksilver, and True Religion, among many others (including, to be fair, relatively “healthy” retailers…to the extent those exist).

And that’s where the rubber meets the road. It’s hard for companies servicing retailers to generate growth when…well…not to state the obvious…retail is CLEARLY not in growth mode.

Tariffs didn’t help. Per the debtors:

…in 2019 as a result of the certain tariffs instituted against China and other headwinds in the retail industry, certain of the Debtors’ customers began delaying orders, significantly extending project timelines, and slow paying certain receivables. At the same time, the Debtors’ overhead expenses increased due to the Fleetwood expansion and certain of the materials utilized by the Debtors became more expensive due to the tariffs.

They continue:

…some of the Debtors’ customers unexpectedly began delaying orders and pushing out project timelines. Many of those customers are retailers who reported that the newly instituted China tariffs were negatively impacting their sales and profit margin projections. This, in turn, led such customers to slow their store expansion and refurbishment plans, defer new projects indefinitely, and reduce the scope of existing projects. This caused a significant decline in the Debtors’ revenue. Indeed, the Debtors project a combined decline of approximately 50% in revenues from 2018 to 2019.

We’re not math experts but if revenue was $70mm in 2018, we’re talking a $35mm nut in 2019. 😬

Customers also began to delay payment or to challenge invoices in unusual ways, presumably to address their own cash flow issues. At the same time, the Debtors’ liabilities to suppliers and internal overhead ballooned as the Debtors continued to work to fulfill customer orders for which payment was now being delayed or withheld.

This is called death dominos, ladies and gentlemen. Retailers are stretching payables and that’s stressing players further down the chain. Consequently, these guys sh*tcanned 63 employees across the enterprise, delayed capex, and starting negotiating revised credit terms and extended payment plans with their suppliers. And this is where the “uniquely American ramifications” come in. This isn’t Payless Shoesource where virtually all of the companies biggest creditors were in China; rather, the debtors’ top 30 list of general unsecured creditors is replete with good ol’ USA-based businesses (PA, CA, NY, OR, etc.). With cash projected to hover between $1.3mm and $2.2mm over the next 13 weeks, things aren’t looking so great for those folks (absent inclusion among the critical vendors line-itemed for $320k/week through the end of November). There’s $60mm of secured debt on top of them. The debtors’ prepetition secured lenders consent to the use of cash collateral to fund the cases but make no mistake about this: the debtors aren’t in good shape. They checked administrative insolvency on their filing petitions. So, yeah, there’s that: the value of this company likely doesn’t clear the debt.

So, what’s the bankruptcy going to achieve? Note:

Over the past several months, the Debtors have actively sought financing to support their working capital and cash demands, including seeking additional financing from their senior lender, equipment finance companies, accounts receivable factoring lenders, and other potential asset-based and cashflow lenders, but none of those lenders were able to underwrite or approve a loan due to the Debtors’ current financial condition and the industry outlook. The Debtors also recently explored potential business combination opportunities that might result in a stronger combined balance sheet. These discussions did not present a path forward and one of the potential partners actually ceased its own operations after suffering the same challenges. (emphasis added)

Again, dominos. Savage. The most obvious answer — which the debtors acknowledge — is that the debtors needed the “breathing spell” provided by the automatic stay. They’ll use the bankruptcy process to “liquidate certain inventory, raw materials, and equipment at their Pennsylvania location.” Otherwise, they’ll attempt to “right-size and streamline their businesses with the goal of emerging as a profitable enterprise.” They don’t give any indication of how they’ll do it. No doubt, though, both the debtors’ lenders and their unsecured creditors will take it on the chin.

Anything that even touches retail these days is a hot mess.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Gross)

  • Capital Structure: $51.2mm (RCF & TL - Fixture Holdings LP c/o Grey Mountain Partners), $9.8mm Term Loan (Brookside Mezzanine Fund III LP), $8.7mm subordinated unsecured debt (Fixture Holdings LP)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Bayard PA (Erin Fay, Evan Miller, Daniel Brogan)

    • CRO: Octavio Diaz

    • Director: Christopher Reef

    • Claims Agent: Stretto (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Prepetition Secured Lender: Fixture Holdings LP

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LP (Matthew Murphy, Nathan Gimpel)

New Chapter 11 Filing - GCX Limited

GCX Limited

September 15, 2019

GCX Limited and 15 affiliated debtors filed a prepackaged bankruptcy this week in pursuit of a dual-track restructuring that will, either through a debt-for-equity swap or a sale, extinguish over $150mm of debt. In the swap scenario, the company will hand the keys over to senior secured noteholders; in the sale scenario, the noteholders will gladly take their cash payout and get the f*ck out of dodge. Either way, the company will be under new ownership with a significantly deleveraged capital structure. Certain consenting senior secured noteholders will provide $54.5mm in DIP financing.

The debtors are a global data communications provider; they operate one of the world’s largest fiber networks (PETITION Note: we’re old enough to remember when fiber was the future!). They provide undersea and terrestrial cables and landing stations and provide managed network services all across the globe. In English, this means they help power, among other things, major telecomms companies and streaming media.

Unfortunately, the debtors have declining revenues. Among other reasons for that sad state of affairs, the debtors cite (i) newly developed and planned cable systems along the debtors’ existing and planned network routes, (ii) financial distress at the parent level, (iii) ongoing disputes with banks that have applied setoff rights against the debtors’ cash, and (iv) high fixed costs and less certain recurring revenue due to clients newfound refusal to enter into long-term arrangements. For all of these reasons, the debtors have been unable to refinance their senior secured notes and the notes matured on July 31. Obviously — considering this thing is now in bankruptcy court — the debtors’ issues prevented them from paying off the debt as it became due. Instead, the debtors have operated under a forbearance agreement since July, during which time it formulated its go-forward plan and solicited the support, via a restructuring support agreement, of a meaningful amount of senior unsecured noteholders. The forbearance expired on the filing date.

Now the bankers, Lazard & Co., will have their work cut out for them. The debtors hope to run an expedited sales process (though, in the bankers’ favor is the fact that the pool of interested parties for assets like these is likely limited) and conduct an auction within 42 days of the filing. Absent that, the debtors will proceed with the debt-for-equity swap with an eye towards confirmation within 75 days and going effective before the end of the year (subject to requisite regulatory approvals, i.e., FCC and CFIUS).

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Sontchi)

  • Capital Structure: $365.8mm 7% ‘19 senior secured notes (The Bank of New York Mellon)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Chris Dickerson, Brendan Gage, Robert Dixon Jr., Todd Schwartz) & Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (M. Blake Cleary, Jaime Luton Chapman)

    • Board of Directors: Rodney Riley, Donald Mallon, Alan Carr

    • Financial Advisor/CRO: FTI Consulting Inc. (Michael Katzenstein, Don Harer)

    • Investment Banker: Lazard & Co. (Ken Ziman)

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Wilmington Trust NA

      • Legal: Duane Morris LLP (Christopher Winter, Jarret Hitchings)

    • Ad Hoc Group of Senior Secured Noteholders

      • Legal: White & Case LLP (Brian Pfeiffer, William Guerrieri, Varoon Sachdev) & Farnan LLP (Brian Farnan, Michael Farnan)

🇲🇽New Chapter 22 Bankruptcy Filing - Maxcom USA Telecom Inc.🇲🇽

Maxcom USA Telecom Inc.

August 19, 2019


We’re all for a reprieve from retail and energy distress but, sheesh, couldn’t have been more interesting than this?

Maxcom USA Telecom Inc. is a telecommunications provider deploying “smart-build” approaches to “last mile” connectivity (read: modems, handsets and set-up boxes) for enterprises, residential customers and governmental entities in Mexico — which is really just a fancy way of saying that it provides local and long-distance voice, data, high speed, dedicated internet access and VoIP tech, among other things, to customers.* It purports to be cutting edge and entrepreneurial, claiming “a history of being the first providers in Mexico to introduce new services,” including (a) the first broadband in 2005, (b) the first “triple-play” (cable, voice and broadband) in 2005, and (c) the first paid tv services over copper network using IP…in 2007. That’s where the “history” stops, however, which likely goes a long way — reminder, it’s currently the year 2019 — towards explaining why this f*cker couldn’t generate enough revenue to service its ~$103.4mm in debt.** Innovators!!

And speaking of that debt, it’s primarily the $103.4mm in “Old Notes” due in 2020 that precipitated this prepackaged bankruptcy filing (in the Southern District of New York).***

The Old Notes derive from a prior prepackaged bankruptcy — in 2013 (PETITION Note: not a “Two-Year Rule” violation) — and were exchanged for what were then outstanding 11% senior notes due in 2014. These Old Notes have a “step-up interest rate,” which means that, over time, the interest rate…uh…steps up…as in, increases upward/up-like. The rate currently stands at 8%. Unfortunately, the company doesn’t have revenue step-ups/upwardness/upseedayzee to offset the interest expense increase; rather, the company “…incurred losses of $4.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2019, as compared to losses of $2.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2018, and losses of $16 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, compared to losses of $.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2017….” Compounding matters are, among other things, the negative effects of decreased interest income and foreign currency exchange rates (the dollar is too damn strong!).**** The closure of the residential segment also, naturally, affected net revenue.

To make matters worse, the company’s debt actually has limitations (remember those?). Per the company:

In order to expand its network and strengthen its market share, the Debtors require additional capital. But, the Old Notes Indenture prohibits Maxcom Parent from incurring additional indebtedness (other than permitted indebtedness) unless certain leverage coverage ratios are satisfied, and the increased interest burden under the Old Notes seriously constrains the Debtors’ ability to take the actions required under its business plan to strengthen and expand their operations.

The purpose of this bankruptcy filing, therefore, is to effectuate a consent solicitation and exchange offer whereby the Old Notes will be swapped (and extinguished) for new “Senior Notes,” new “Junior PIK Notes” and cash consideration. The cash consideration will be covered by a new equity injection of $15mm. This transaction will bolster the company’s liquidity and shed approximately $36mm of debt from the balance sheet (PETITION Note: carry the one, add the two, that’s roughly $2.88mm in annual interest savings before taking into account the PIK notes, which won’t be cash-pay, obviously).

Prior to the bankruptcy filing, the company obtained the requisite amount of support to jam non-consenting creditors (PETITION Note: in bankruptcy, a debtor needs 2/3 in amount and half in number of a particular class of debt to bind a class. Here, the company nailed down acceptances of the plan from 84.75% of the holders of Old Notes holding 66.73% of principal amount in Old Notes). And there is one large group of non-consenting holders, apparently. Cicerone Advisors LLC, a financial advisor to three holders of the Old Notes, Moneda Asset ManagementMegeve Investments and UBS Financial Services, Inc., attempted to engage the company on better terms than that offered under the plan. It did not, however, ultimately provide a proposal; instead, it demanded terms, including confidentiality and an agreement to pay fees and expenses of financial and legal advisors. Here’s the thing, though: they miscalculated their leverage: with only 30% of Old Notes represented, they don’t have a “blocking position” that could thwart the company’s proposal. Absent an additional 4%, these guys are dead in the water.

This should be…should be…a very quick trip through bankruptcy.*****

*The company is shutting down its residential segment, which “involves the gradual closure of residential clusters and mass disconnection of residential customers.” Apparently, people don’t need the company’s services anymore. At least not when they’re carrying $1,000 telecommunications systems in their pants pockets? 🤔

The disruption is real. Indeed, the company’s residential segment operates through an outdated copper network that doesn’t comport with the latest in fiber network technology.

**U.S. Bank NA is the indenture trustee under the Old Notes.

***Oh man, the venue on this one is just quaint. There are two debtors, Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. DE C.V., a Mexican entity and Maxcom USA Telecom Inc., which is 100% owned by the former. What does the latter do? According to Exhibit A of the First Day Declaration it does “[Assorted services in the USA].” Hahaha. This sh*t is so suspect that nobody even bothered to remove the brackets. It might as well say, “[Kinda sorta maybe some random sh*t within US borders and down the street from the SDNY for purposes of ginning up venue”]. Is it a guarantor on the notes? “[Yes].” HAHAHA. Like, is it, or not?? The listed highlight? “Recently created.” Damn straight it was. This year. The service address? “c/o United Corporate Services, Inc., Ten Bank Street, Suite 560, White Plains, NY 10606.” Conveniently happens to fall right in Judge Drain’s lap.

We mean, seriously, folks? People AREN’T EVEN TRYING to be slick about manufacturing venue anymore.

Apropos to the point, Duane Morris LLP’s Frederick Hyman highlights the trend of foreign borrowers with little to no assets in the U.S. filing for chapter 11 to take advantage of the automatic stay here, describing the slippery-slope-creating case of TMT Shipping (which established venue by funding professional retainers in the US).

****Interestingly, people have been voicing concerns about the foreign exchange rates and US-dominated debt in emerging markets. It seems those concerns may be warranted:

…from 2013 to date, the value of the Mexican Peso, as compared to the U.S., has decreased by 53%. Because of such devaluation, Maxcom Parent’s repurchase of the $74.3 million in principal amount of the Old Notes did not decrease the amount that Maxcom Parent’s books and records reflect is owed to the holders of the Old Notes given that Maxcom Enterprise’s revenues are mostly in Mexican Pesos. In other words, while the amount that Maxcom Parent owes on account of the Old Notes has decreased in U.S. Dollars, because the majority of Maxcom Enterprise’s revenues are in Mexican Pesos and the Old Notes are denominated in U.S. Dollars, Maxcom Parent’s liability on account of the Old Notes remains roughly the same on its books and records.

Ruh roh. 🙈 We expect to see many more mentions of exchange-related issues going forward. Mark our words.💥

*****Small victories. The dissenting bondholders were able to successfully push the debtors’ timeline by a week or so at the first day hearing.

  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of New York (Judge Drain)

  • Capital Structure: $103.4mm old notes

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Pedro Jimenez, Irena Goldstein)

    • Financial Advisor: Alvarez & Marsal Mexico

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Indenture Trustee: US Bank NA

      • Legal: Thompson Hine LLP (Jonathan Hawkins, Curtis Tuggle)

New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Investment B.V.

Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Investment B.V.

February 1, 2019

Dutch-based non-operating single-purpose-entity, Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Investment B.V., filed a prepackaged bankruptcy case in the Southern District of New York to effectuate a restructuring of its $141mm Floating Rate Guaranteed Secured Notes due 2021 (HSBC Bank USA NA, as agent), the issuance of which is the legal entity's sole reason to exist. The Debtor's plan sponsor, PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk, is the owner and operator of a fleet of Indonesian flagged dry bulk vessels and a guarantor of the debt. It operates 14 wholly-owned and 2 chartered vessles, the use of which is to provide coal transportation and jetty management services to one of Indonesia's largest power plants. 

Why is this company in bankruptcy? Per the Company:

"...the Debtor is a single purpose entity created for the purpose of issuing the Senior Secured Notes. Accordingly, the Debtor is wholly dependent on its parent company, the Plan Sponsor, to generate sufficient revenues so as to permit for the repayment of the Senior Secured Notes. The Plan Sponsor, who derives substantially all of its revenues its drybulk shipping operations, has operated in an increasingly challenging market since the financial crisis of 2008 where operational costs have continued to increase and revenues for drybulk shipping have remained at historic lows. These factors, coupled with increasing competition from smaller and less leveraged drybulk shippers, has made it more difficult for the Plan Sponsor to service its existing indebtedness, including the Senior Secured Notes."

Accordingly, the Debtor and the Plan Sponsor have agreed to equitize substantially all of the Debtor's and the Plan Sponsor's indebtedness "to permit the Plan Sponsor to position itself on a more level landscape to its competitors to better prepare itself to weather the continuing uncertainty in the shipping industry." Pursuant to the Plan, holders of the notes will receive common shares in the Plan Sponsor, warrants, and a small cash payment. 

  • Jurisdiction: S.D.N.Y. (Judge Bernstein)

  • Company Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Pedro Jimenez)

    • Financial Advisor: Fulcrum Partners Asia

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

✈️New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - ONE Aviation Corporation✈️

ONE Aviation Corporation


ONE Aviation Corporation, a New Mexico-based OEM of twin-engine light jet aircraft (e.g., the Eclipse jet, a twin-turbofan very light jet or “VLJ”), filed a prepackaged bankruptcy case that will give 97-100% of the equity to its senior prepetition lender, Citiking International US LLC. Holders of senior secured notes will get 3% of the equity and warrants if they check the “yes” vote in the “death trap” plan of reorganization. General unsecured claimants will get a big fat zero and a bunch of court-mandated paper to throw into the recycling bin. Citiking is providing the company with a $17mm DIP credit facility that will roll into an exit facility upon emergence from chapter 11.

The company has $198.8mm of total funded debt, including approximately $53.2mm representing amounts owed to certain state and local governments in the form of development loans. Womp womp.

Why is there a bankruptcy here? The company pursued growth strategies that simply never came to fruition, including targeting the “air taxi” industry and development of new capital-intensive airplane models. The company notes:

That strategy ultimately proved unsuccessful in the near term because, in addition to the negative macro-factors, including the condition of the U.S. and global economies, ONE Aviation was unable to raise the capital needed to complete the new airplane programs. The VLJ market, a market dependent on luxury spending, simply had not recovered from its downturn in 2008.

Liquidity, therefore, became constrained as the company found itself caught between building for the future and sustaining today. After a considerable sales and marketing process conducted by multiple bankers (Guggenheim Securities, first, Duff & Phelps, second) both in the U.S. and internationally, the company had no luck finding strategic or financial buyers. Hence bankruptcy with a plan to convey the company over to the prepetition first lien lender.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Sontchi)

  • Capital Structure: $58.6mm first lien RCF (Citiking), $43.3mm subordinated secured notes (Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A.), $20.5mm subordinated unsecured notes

  • Company Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Chris Dickerson, Brendan Gage, Nathan Gimpel, Todd Schwartz, Stephen Bandrowsky) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Robert Brady, M. Blake Cleary, Sean Beach, Jaime Lutan Chapman)

    • Financial Advisor: Ernst & Young LLP (Briana Richards, Brian Yano)

    • Investment Banker: Duff & Phelps Securities LLC (Vineet Batra)

    • Board of Directors: Michael Wyse, Jonathan Dwight, Alan Klapmeier, Kevin Gould, RJ Siegel

    • Claims Agent: Epiq Corporate Restructuring LLC (*click on company name above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Administrative Agent & Collateral Agent: Cantor Fitzgerald Securities

      • Legal: Richards Kibbe & Orbe LLP (Gregory Plotko, Christopher Jarvinen) & (local) Ashby & Geddes PA (Gregory Taylor, Stacy Newman)

    • Senior Prepetition Lender: Citiking International US LLC

      • Legal: Emmet Marvin & Martin LLP (Thomas Pitta) & (local) Ashby & Geddes PA (Gregory Taylor, Stacy Newman)

    • Senior Subordinated Secured Noteholders

      • Legal: Manning Gross + Massenburg LLP (Marc Phillips)

Updated 10/9/18 at 5:12pm CT

🛌New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - Mattress Firm Inc.🛌

Mattress Firm Inc.


Recap: See our recap here.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Sontchi)

  • Capital Structure: See below.

  • Company Professionals:

    • Legal: Sidley Austin LLP (Bojan Guzina, Michael Fishel, Gabriel MacConaill, Matthew Linder, Blair Warner) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Edmon Morton)

    • Financial Advisor: AlixPartners LLP

    • Investment Banker: Guggenheim Securities LLC (Durc Savini)

    • Liquidator: Gordon Brothers Group LLC

      • Legal: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP (Steven Reisman, Cindi Giglio) & (local) Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP (Mark Minuti, Lucian Murley)

    • Real Estate Advisors: A&G Realty Partners

    • Claims Agent: Epiq Corporate Restructuring LLC (*click on company name above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Barclays Bank PLC

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Michael Comerford) & (local) Richards Layton & Finger PA (Mark Collins, Jason Madron)

    • Citizens Bank NA

      • Legal: Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP (Julia Frost-Davies, Marc Leduc, Laura McCarthy) & (local) Richards Layton & Finger PA (Mark Collins, Jason Madron)

    • Steinhoff International Holdings N.V

      • Legal: Linklaters LLP (Robert Trust, Christopher Hunker, Amy Edgy) & (local) Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Derek Abbott, Andrew Remming, Joseph C. Barsalona II)

    • Exit term loan financing backstop group (the “Backstop Group”): Attestor Capital LLP, Baupost Group, Centerbridge Partners LP, DK Capital Management Partners, Farrallon Capital Management L.L.C., KKR & Co. Partners LLP, Monarch Alternative Capital LP, Och-Ziff Capital Management, Silverpoint Capital

      • Legal: Latham & Watkins LLP (Mitchell Seider, Adam Goldberg, Hugh Keenan Murtagh, Marc Zelina, Adam Kassner) & (local) Ashby & Geddes PA (William Bowden, Karen Skomorucha Owens, F. Troupe Mickler IV)

Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 9.11.23 PM.png

New Chapter 11 Filing - Open Road Films LLC

Open Road Films LLC


Rough year for movie production houses. After Relativity Media and The Weinstein Company filed chapter 11 cases earlier this year, Open Road Films LLC now finds itself in bankruptcy court. The company behind Jobs, Nightcrawler and other mostly forgettable films has had a dramatic fall from grace after being acquired by current equityholder TMP Holdings from Regal Entertainment Group and AMC Entertainment merely a year ago. Though contemplated at the time of acquisition, the company was unable to secure funding to, among other things, restructure the company (in the out-of-court sense) and streamline operations. The question is why? Why couldn't the company secure funding? 

The company notes:

Among other things, increased volatility in overall film performance exacerbated investor concerns regarding the probability and predictability of studio financial success, especially outside of the major studios. This overall volatility was exacerbated by the specific underperformance of certain of the Company’s recent motion picture releases, most of which were initiated by prior management. In addition, competitive options for consumers limit interest in theatrical distribution and the traditional film business model, imposing additional pressure on companies like the Debtors, and further fueling investor skepticism.

In other words, blame Reese Witherspoon ("Home Again" flopped), Jodie Foster ("Hotel Artemis" completely bombed) and Netflix ($NFLX). 

With no incoming funding and a resultant inability to obtain a "going concern" qualification, the company defaulted on its loan with Bank of America. BofA, therefore, limited access to certain deposit accounts, all the while vendors were seeking payments. Already this drama is more interesting than "Home Again." 

The company intends to use the chapter 11 process to market and sell its assets; it does not yet have a stalking horse bidder, though FTI reports that 11 parties have submitted indications of interest. 

The top 40 general unsecured creditors list is a who's who of media elites, including "old media" firms like Viacom Inc. (owed $7mm), The Walt Disney Company (owed $5.1mm), NBCUniversal (owed $4.4mm), Turner Broadcasting System (owed $3.5mm). Other top creditors include Google, Facebook, Snap, Twitter, Amazon, Spotify, and Pandora Media. And Latham & Watkins, which appears to be getting hosed on a half million dollar legal bill. 

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Silverstein)
  • Capital Structure: $90.75 mm secured debt (Bank of America NA)     
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Klee Tuchin Bogdanoff & Stern LLP (Michael Tuchin, Jonathan Weiss, Sasha Gurvitz, Whitman Holt) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Michael Nestor, Sean Beach, Robert Poppiti Jr., Ian Bambrick)
    • Financial Advisor/CRO: FTI Consulting Inc. (Amir Agam)
    • Claims Agent: Donlin Recano & Company Inc. (*click on company name above for free docket access)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Prepetition Lender: Bank of America NA
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Shlomo Maza) & (local) Ashby & Geddes PA (William Bowden)
    • Prepetition Creditor: East West Bank
      • Legal: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (David Staber) & (local) Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLC (Christopher Samis, L. Katherine Good, Aaron Stulman)
    • Prepetition Creditor: Bank Leumi USA
      • Legal: Reed Smith LLP (Marsha Houston, Christopher Rivas, Michael Sherman

New Chapter 11 Filing - GST AutoLeather Inc.

GST AutoLeather Inc.

  • 10/3/17 Recap: Disruption, illustrated. The automobile industry is at the beginning of a downturn marked by auto price reductions and a drop in new vehicle production. Automobile output is down 4% over the past year as automobile dealers are placing fewer manufacturing orders and dealing with excess supply. Moreover, auto OEMs are decreasing the leather content in certain new vehicles. Finally, automobiles are lasting longer and "the climbing popularity of ride-sharing services, such as Uber and Lyft...diminish consumers' needs for their own cars." Put simply, there is a demand side decline. Consequently, here, the Southfield Michigan-based supplier of leather interiors filed a freefall bankruptcy with the hope of consummating an expedited (approximately 2-month timeframe) 363 asset sale. The company has secured a $40mm DIP credit facility to fund its bankruptcy; it continues talks with its senior lenders about a stalking horse bid to purchase the company. In addition to the aforementioned macro factors, the company blames its deteriorated financial performance on (i) issues associated with certain new customer launches in Europe, (ii) supply chain issues with a critical Chinese supplier who is using leverage to extract out-of-contract economics from the company and (iii) constraints imposed by significant working capital investments to mitigate supply chain disruption to its customers (which include the likes of major auto OEMs, e.g., Audi, BMW/Mini, Daimler, Fiat Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Porsche, PSA, Nissan, Kia, Toyota and Volkswagen).
  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Silverstein)
  • Capital Structure: $24mm '19 RCF, $140mm '20 TL-B (Royal Bank of Canada), $32mm mezz debt (Triangle Capital Corp./Alcentra Capital Corp.)
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Kirkland & Ellis LLP (James Sprayragen, Ryan Blaine Bennett, Michael Slade, Alexandra Schwarzman, Timothy Bow, Benjamin Rhode, Luke Ruse) & (local) Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP (Laura Davis Jones, Timothy Cairns, Joseph Mulvihill)
    • Financial Advisor/CRO: Alvarez & Marsal North America LLC (Jonathan Hickman, Jay Herriman)
    • Investment Banker: Lazard Middle Market (Jason A. Cohen)
    • Claims Agent: Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions LLC (*click on company name above for free docket access)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Sponsor: Advantage Partners
    • Lender Group (Royal Bank of Canada, as DIP Admin Agent)
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Michael Comerford, Shlomo Maza) & Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Pauline Morgan, M. Blake Cleary, Justin Rucki)
      • Financial Advisors: FTI Consulting
    • Mezzanine Lenders:
      • Legal: McGuireWoods LLP (Anne Croteau, Douglas Foley) & (local) Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP (Jennifer Hoover, William Alleman Jr.)
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
      • Legal: Foley & Lardner LLP (Erika Morabito, Brittany Nelson, John Simon, Richard Bernard, Leah Eisenberg) & (local) Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLC (Christopher Samis, L. Katherine Good, Kevin Shaw, Christopher Jones, David Gaffey)
      • Financial Advisor: Berkeley Research Group LLC (Christopher Kearns, Peter Chadwick, Michelle Tran, Kevin Beard, Jay Wu)
      • Investment Banker: Configure Partners LLC (Jay Jacquin)

Updated 11/15/17 7:55 am CT

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - Aerosoles International Inc.

Aerosoles International Inc.

  • 9/15/17 Recap: Remember that once-popular trope that footwear was impervious to Amazon and e-commerce? People want to go to stores to try on shoes, we've been told. Lost in that, however, is that free returns make it THAT much easier to try/err with sizing via delivery. And, so, not-so-shockingly, another private equity (Palladin Partners LP) owned specialty retailer is in bankruptcy court. The New Jersey based company has "approximately 78 stores" (PETITION Note: how does it not know the exact number?) in the United States that cater towards providing women with "feel good" footwear. The stores are located in malls, lifestyle centers, street locations and outlet centers. This 78-count footprint is down dramatically: the company has already reduced its store count by over 30 stores in the last year or so. The company also generates revenue through its (i) direct e-commerce business (which, seemingly, is fairly well built out with 1.4mm visitors a month...note, pretty good sales right now!), (ii) wholesale business, (iii) "first cost business" (which sounds like a middleman situation where the company aids other companies in the design and production of their own separately branded footwear, and (iv) international licensing. The company blames a highly competitive women's footwear market, a large sourcing disruption (to the tune of $4mm of lost EBITDA), shifting trends from bricks to clicks and other operationally-specific reasons for the chapter 11 filing. Like what? Glad you asked. First, the company had a hard time servicing its debt while also making the significant cash outlays needed to inventory-up for the critical spring and fall seasons. Second, the company - in a showing of REALLY FRIKKEN HORRIBLE TIMING - expanded its retail store footprint considerably in 2012 and 2013, subjecting itself to onerous leases in the process. Third, the company lost its Asian sourcing agent in spring 2016 and has subsequently had difficulty restoring lost customer confidence and maintaining order load. MAGA! And so now what? Ready for this shocker? The company intends to refocus its efforts towards the non-brick-and-mortar aspects of its business. Remember those "approximately 78" stores we noted above? Well, the company is saying "PEACE" to 74 of them in bankruptcy. Finally, the company intends to use the bankruptcy process to find a buyer for the company (and its new business plan). 
  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware 
  • Capital Structure: $72.3mm of total debt. $22.9mm ABL (Wells Fargo Bank NA), $19.7mm TL (THL Corporate Finance Inc.), $19.1mm senior notes, $8.9mm sub notes, and $1.7mm sub loan. 
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Ropes & Gray LLP (Gregg Galardi, Mark Somerstein, William Alex McGee) & Bayard PA (Scott Cousins, Erin Fay, Gregory Flasser)
    • Financial Advisor: Berkeley Research Group LLC (Mark Weinsten)
    • Investment Banker: Piper Jaffray & Co.
    • Liquidation Agent: Hilco Merchant Resources LLC 
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name above for free docket access)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • ABL Agent: Wells Fargo Bank NA
      • Legal: Choate Hall & Stewart LLP (Kevin Simard, Jonathan Marshall) & (local) Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP (Mark Desgrosseilliers, Matthew Ward)
    • TL Agent: THL Corporate Finance Inc.
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Matthew Murphy) & Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (M. Blake Cleary)
    • Prepetition Senior Noteholders & Subordinated Noteholders (ORIX Funds Corp., Palladin Partners LP)
      • Legal: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP (Jacqueline Marcus) & (local) Richards Layton & Finger PA (Mark Collins, Paul Heath, Joseph Barsalona II)
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (ICB Asia Co. Ltd., Rival Shoe Design Ltd., Moveon Componentes E Calcado SA, Simon Property Group, GGP Limited Partnership)
      • Legal: Cooley LLP (Michael Klein, Sarah Carnes) & (local) Gellert Scali Busenkell & Brown LLC (Michael Busenkell, Ronald Gellert, Shannon Dougherty Humiston)

Updated 10/5/17 11:17 am CT 

New Chapter 11 Filing - Gordmans Stores Inc.

Gordmans Stores Inc.

  • 3/13/17 Recap: Clearly Warren Buffett doesn't own this dog. The Omaha, NE-based publicly-traded (GMAN) specialty retailer (apparel and home fashions) with 72 stores in 16 states (according to PE sponsor Sun Capital Partners) or 106 stores in 22 states (according to the company) filed bankruptcy to continue the 5-month long evisceration of Sun Capital Partners' retail portfolio. Oh, and liquidate. Choice quote: "It is likely that other retailers may commence chapter 11 cases in the near term, as retail is set to replace the troubled oil and gas industry as the most distressed sector this year." Just in case anyone is scratching their heads as to how this liquidation could possibly be happening, note that e-commerce made up less than 1-percent of the Company's sales. This REALLY begs the question: what value was Sun Capital Partners bringing to the table? Do they not have operating partners? Sheesh.
  • Jurisdiction: D. of Nebraska
  • Capital Structure: $68.75mm RCF (Wells Fargo) + $31.25mm RCF (PNC Bank NA) of which $29mm in total outstanding, $30mm TL (Wells Fargo - $15mm, Pathlight - $7.5mm & Gordon Brothers Finance - $7.5mm)($27.9mm outstanding). 
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Kirkland & Ellis LLP (Jayme Sprayragen, Patrick Nash, Brad Weiland, Jamie Netznik, Alexandra Schwarzman) & Kutak Rock LLP (Lisa Peters, Jeffrey Wegner)
    • Financial Advisor: Clear Thinking Group LLC (Joseph Marchese)
    • Investment Banker: Duff & Phelps Securities LLC (Joshua Benn)
    • Proposed Stalking Horse Liquidators: Tiger Capital Group LLC & Great American Group LLC
    • Claims Agent: Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions LLC (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Wells Fargo Bank, NA
      • Legal: Riemer & Braunstein LLP (Donald Rothman, Steven Fox) & Greenberg Traurig LLP (Jeff Wolf) & (local) Croker Huck Kasher DeWitt Anderson & Gonderinger LLP (Robert, Gonderinger, David Skalka)
    • Sponsor: Sun Capital Partners
      • Legal: Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP (Neil Herman)
    • Potential Bidder: Hilco Merchant Resources LLC & Gordon Brothers Retail Partners LLC
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Chris Dickerson, Matthew Murphy, Marc Carmel) & (local) Telpner Peterson Law Firm LLP (Charles Smith, Nicole Hughes)
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
      • Legal: Frost Brown Todd LLC (Ronald Gold, Douglas Lutz, Adam J. (A.J.) Webb) & (local) Koley Jessen PC (Brian Koenig)
      • Financial Advisor: Province Inc. (Paul Huygens)

Updated 4/14/17




New Chapter 22 Filing - General Wireless Operations Inc. (f/k/a Radio Shack)

General Wireless Operations Inc.

  • 3/8/17 Recap: We're exasperated. Let's revisit history. In February 2015, Radio Shack filed for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy court confirmed the plan of reorganization in October 2015 and it went effective just five days later. So...six...wait, carry the one...yeah, sixteen months later the successor entity General Wireless Operations is now in bankruptcy looking to shut the lights and/or pass this toad on to another sucker as Standard General pulls the chute. Why did this all happen? Well, because Sprint sucks, apparently ("[w]hile the retail business progressed, the Sprint relationship did not yield the benefits that the Debtors expected"). The arrangement out of bankruptcy was for the reinvented Radio Shack to have co-branded stores with Sprint for the purpose of selling Sprint mobile devices that nobody wants (note: 78+mm Apple iphones were sold last quarter). Sprint was obligated to pay rent for the space it occupied as well as commissions above a certain threshold level of sales ($60mm). Hahahaha...above a threshold level of sales? Yeah, never got there (wait what? erroneous projections? you don't say!).  Absent that cash inflow, the company had insufficient funds to continue to operate as a going concern. Hence, the Scarlet 22.  
  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware
  • Capital Structure: $75mm revolver and term loan debt ($25.5mm funded) (Royal Bank of Canada & GACP Finance Co. LLC) & $88mm second lien revolver and term loan debt ($39.7mm funded)(Standard General Master Fund LP, Cortland Capital Market Services LLC, Prisma Capital Partners LP) & $23mm IP term loan (Kensington Technology Holdings LLC)
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Jones Day LLP (Scott Greenberg, Mark Cody) & Pepper Hamilton LLP (David Fournier, Evelyn Meltzer, Michael Custer, Kay Kress)
    • Financial Advisor: Loughlin Management Partners & Company Inc.
    • Liquidation Consultant: Tiger Capital Group LLC
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Sprint
      • Legal: McGuire Woods LLP (David Swan, James Van Horn) & (local) K&L Gates LLP (Steven Caponi)
    • Kensington Technology Holdings LLC
      • Legal: Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP (Joseph Sgroi)
    • GACP Finance Co. LLC
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Leslie Plaskon, Michael Comerford) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Pauline Morgan, Justin Rucki, Allison Mielke)
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
      • Legal: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP (Eric Wilson, Jason Adams, Lauren Schlussel) & (local) Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP (Michael Yurkewicz)

Updated 3/21/17

New Chapter 11 Filing - Vanguard Natural Resources

Vanguard Natural Resources

  • 2/2/17 Recap: Houston-based oil and gas producer files chapter 11 pursuant to a restructuring support agreement that, if implemented, will permit the company to cut over $700mm of debt. The company has secured a $50mm DIP. 
  • Jurisdiction: SD of Texas
  • Capital Structure: $1.372b '18 L+250 RBL (Citibank N.A.), $76mm '20 7% second lien notes, $51'm '19 8.375% unsecured notes (Wilmington Trust), $382mm '20 7.875% unsecured notes (UMB Bank)    
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Chris Dickerson, James Grogan, Todd Schwartz, Alexander Bongartz, Brendan Gage)
    • Financial Advisor: Opportune LLP (Scott Anchin)
    • Investment Banker: Evercore Partners (Daniel Aronson, Marco Acerra)
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Ad Hoc Group of 2L noteholders (Fir Tree Inc., Wexford Capital LP, York Capital Management Global Advisors)
      • Legal: Morrison & Foerster LLP (Jonathan Levine, John Pintarelli, Daniel Harris) & (local) Jackson Walker LLP (Monica Blacker, Matthew Cavenaugh)
    • Ad Hoc Committee of Senior Noteholders & UMB Bank NA
      • Legal: Milbank (Dennis Dunne, Andrew LeBlanc, Samuel Khalil) & (local) Porter Hedges LLP (John Higgins, Eric English)
      • Investment Bank: PJT Partners Inc.
    • RBL Lender: Citibank NA
      • Legal: Weil (Stephen Karotkin, Joseph Smolinsky, Blaire Cahn, Christopher Lopez)
    • UMB Bank
      • Legal: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP (Eric Wilson, Benjamin Feder, T. Charlie Liu)
    • Wilmington Trust
      • Legal: Pryor Cashman LLP (Seth Lieberman, Patrick Sibley, Matthew Silverman) & (local) Cole Schotz PC (Michael Warner, Benjamin Wallen)
    • Independent Directors of the Board
      • Legal: Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP (Robin Russell, Tad Davidson, Joseph Buoni)
    • Unsecured Noteholder & Preferred Unitholder: Panning Capital Management 
      • Legal: Munger Tolles & Olson LLP (Thomas Wolper, Seth Goldman) & (local) Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (William Greendyke, Jason Boland, Bob Bruner, Louis Strubeck) 
    • Ad Hoc Equity Committee
      • Legal: Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP (John Melko, Sharon Beausoleil, Michael Riordan, Sean Wilson, Holland O'Neil)
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
      • Legal: Akin Gump (Charles Gibbs, Michael Stamer, Abid Qureshi, Meredith Lahaie, Kevin Zuzolo)
      • Financial Advisor: FTI Consulting

Updated 3/22/17


New Filing - DACCO Transmission Parts (Transtar Holding Company)

DACCO Transmission Parts (Transtar Holding Company)

  • 11/20/16 Recap: Ohio-based global supplier of products related to transmissions and drivetrains files for Chapter 11 to effectuate a prepackaged case handing the company over to the first lien lenders. The cases will be funded by Silver Point Finance LLC as DIP lender ($55mm).
  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of New York
  • Capital Structure: $376.6mm first lien TL (RBC), $48mm RCF (RBC), $170mm second lien TL (Cortland Capital Markets)     
  • Company Professionals:
    • Replacement Legal: Jones Day LLP (Scott Greenberg, Carl E. Black, Daniel Merrett, Stacey Corr-Irvine)
    • Original Legal: Willkie Farr (Rachel Strickland, Christopher Koenig, Jennifer Hardy, Debra McElligott)
    • Financial Advisor: FTI Consulting LLC (Daniel Hugo, Dewey Imhoff, Stuart Gleichenhaus, Joe Lu, Carl Jones, Scott Hoffman, Luke McCrory, Patrick Rauh)
    • Investment Banker: Ducera Partners LLC (Agnes Tang)
    • Lease Consultant: Hilco Real Estate LLC (Ryan Lawlor)
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • RBC
      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Randal Palach, Alexander Bongartz)
    • Ad Hoc Committee of Second Lien Lenders
      • Legal: Latham & Watkins LLP (Richard Levy, Matthew Warren)
    • Silver Point Capital (as DIP Lender)
      • Legal: Chapman & Cutler LLP (Steven Wilanowsky, Aaron Krieger)
    • Friedman Fleisher & Lowe LLC (as Sponsor)
      • Legal: Young Conaway (Michael Nestor)
    • Examiner
      • Legal: Jenner & Block LLP (Richard Levin)
    • Octagon Credit Investors LLC and Invesco Ltd.
      • Legal: King & Spalding LLP (Michael Rupe, Jeffrey Pawlitz)

Updated 3/30/17