🧀 New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - CEC Entertainment Inc. 🧀

CEC Entertainment Inc.

June 24, 2020

For our rundown, please go here.

  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of Texas (Judge Isgur)

  • Capital Structure: $1.089b funded debt ($760mm TL, $108 RCF, $6mm LOC, $215.7mm notes)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP (Matthew Barr, Alfredo Perez, Andrew Citron, Rachael Foust, Scott Bowling)

    • Board of Directors: David McKillips, Andrew Jhawar, Naveen Shahani, Allen Weiss, Peter Brown, Paul Aronzon

    • Financial Advisor: FTI Consulting Inc. (Chad Coben)

    • Investment Banker: PJT Partners LP (Jamie O’Connell)

    • Real Estate Advisor: Hilco Real Estate LLC

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • PE Sponsor: Queso Holdings Inc./AP VIII CEC Holdings, L.P. (Apollo)

      • Legal: Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP

    • First Lien Credit Agreement Agent: Credit Suisse AG, Cayman Islands Branch

      • Legal: Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP (Eli Vonnegut) & Rapp & Krock PC (Henry Flores, Kenneth Krock)

    • Ad Hoc Group of First Lien Lenders: American Money Management Corp, Arbour Lane Capital Management, Arena Capital Advisors LLC, Ares Management LLC, Bank of Montreal, BlueMountain Capital Management, Carlson Capital LP, Catalur Capital Management LP, Citibank NA, Credit Suisse AG, Deutsche Bank New York, Fidelity Management & Research Co., Fortress Investment Group LLC, GS Capital Partners LP, Hill Path Capital, Indaba Capital Fund LP, ICG Debt Advisors, Jefferies Financ LLC, J.H. Lane Partners Master Fund LP, Monarch Alternative Capital LP, MSD Capital LP, MSD Partners LP, Octagon Credit Investors LLC, Par Four Investment Management LLC, RFG-Clover LLC, Second Lien LLC, UBS AG, Wazee Street Capital Management, Western Asset Management Company LLC, WhiteStar Asset Management, ZAIS Group LLC

      • Legal: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (Ira Dizengoff, Philip Dublin, Jason Rubin, Marty Brimmage Jr., Lacy Lawrence)

    • Indenture Trustee: Wilmington Trust NA

      • Legal: Reed Smith LLP (Kurt Gwynne, Jason Angelo)

    • Ad Hoc Group of ‘22 8% Senior Noteholders (Longfellow Investment Management Co. LLC, Prudential Financial Inc., Resource Credit Income Fund, Westchester Capital Management)

      • Legal: King & Spalding LLP (Matthew Warren, Lindsey Henrikson, Michael Rupe)

      • Financial Advisor: Ducera Partners LLC

    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors: Wilmington Trust NA, The Coca-Cola Company, National Retail Properties, Performance Food Group, Washington Prime Group, NCR Corporation, Index Promotions

      • Legal: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP (Eric Wilson, Jason Adams, Lauren Schlussel & Womble Bond Dickinson LLP (Matthew Ward)

7/17/20 Dkt. 352.

🥾New Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Filing & CCAA - The Aldo Group Inc.🥾

The Aldo Group Inc.

May 7, 2020

Retail pain doesn’t respect borders. Canada-based The Aldo Group Inc. and eight (8) affiliated companies (collectively, the “Debtors”) filed petitions in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware seeking relief under chapter 15 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in support of a CCAA filing in Canada.

Aldo is a shoe retailer with stores in more than 100 countries. The Group notes roughly 3,000 points of sale with 700 directly owned stores and the remainder as franchises. There are 289 stores in Canada and 429 in the US.

In terms of funded debt, the Aldo Canada has CDN$140mm outstanding. Of that amount, Aldo US is an obligor on a CDN$100mm piece. Both entities are also co-borrowers on a CDN$300mm unsecured syndicated loan. Both the Aldo Canada and Aldo US have significant outstanding amounts to trade creditors including landlords who haven’t been paid for April or May.

Operating performance has been dogsh*t long before COVID hit the scene. Per the debtors:

Over the past few years, the Aldo Corporate Group has declined in profitability and regularly reported losses. For instance, for the twelve month period ending February 1, 2020, Aldo Canada posted a net loss from operations of approximately CDN$74,800,000 and Aldo U.S. posted a net loss of approximately USD$52,800,000. Taking into consideration yearend write-offs of amounts due from subsidiaries and affiliated and write-offs of future tax benefits that were recorded as an asset, Aldo Canada posted a net loss of approximately CDN$170,300,000 and Aldo U.S. posted a net loss of approximately USD$97,300,000.

Pre-COVID, the debtors were attempting an operational restructuring designed to de-emphasize brick-and-mortar stores and prop up e-commerce, wholesale and franchise channels. You know, like, the old playbook. They were also seeking to refinance the credit facility with an ABL. The “transformation” was allegedly on track when the pandemic struck precipitating an immediate liquidity crunch. Hence, the filing.

The debtors will use the filing to evaluate its store profitability, shed leases and contracts and restructure the unsecured loans both in Canada and the US.

It seems pretty safe to say that a good number of those US stores will join the retail garbage bin much to the chagrin of landlords.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Owens)

  • Capital Structure: see above.

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Hogan Lovells US LLP (Peter Ivanick, Lynn Holbert, Alex Sher, Baraka Nasari) & Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Eric Schwartz, Matthew Harvey, Paige Topper)

    • Canadian Monitor: Ernst & Young Inc.

    • Investment Banker: Greenhill & Co. Canada Ltd.

    • Claims Agent: Epiq (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Largest Unsecured Creditor: Bank of Montreal

      • Legal: Chapman and Cutler LLP (Stephen Tetro, Aaron Krieger) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

👖New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - True Religion Apparel Inc.👖

True Religion Apparel Inc.


TMI: we’ve had a hard enough time getting Johnny to even wear pants at all over the last few weeks let alone put on jeans. That one Zoom call where he spilled coffee on himself and jumped out of his chair emblazoned an image in our minds that we’ll need some real therapy to get over. We had to take out an enterprise Headspace account as a result. But enough about us.

To the topic at hand: True Religion Apparel Inc. Here’s the good news: True Religion and its four affiliates (the “debtors”) legged it out long enough to avoid PETITION’s dreaded Two-Year Rule violation. Any retailer that can stave off a chapter 22 bankruptcy filing for as long as True Religion did (30 months) has, in fact, achieved a “successful” restructuring in our book. That said, the brand is nevertheless back in bankruptcy court. If that logic strikes you as perverse well, yes, we admit it: the bar for bankrupted retailers is, in fact, that low.

Interestingly and somewhat counter-intuitively, there has been a dearth of retail restructuring activity during the COVID-19 strike. We went through some explanation for that here and the theme was subsequently picked up and expanded upon by the MSM: there were countless articles about how busy restructuring professionals are and yet very few filings (though there has been a lot of activity this week). Why? It’s hard for retailers to conduct GOB sales when stores aren’t open. DIP financing is harder to come by. Buyers are few and far between. Everyone is having trouble underwriting deals when it’s so difficult to gauge if and when things will return to “normal.”

True Religion couldn’t afford to wait. It has 87 retail stores. They’re closed. It’s wholesale business — dependent, of course, on other open brick-and-mortar shops — is also closed. This was an immediate 80% hit to revenue.* The company — which had posted a $50mm net loss for the TTM ended 2/1/20 (read: it was already pretty effed) — suddenly found itself facing an accelerated liquidity crisis. Stretching payables, stretching rent, furloughing employees. All of those measures were VERY short-term band-aids. A bankruptcy filing became absolutely necessary to gain access to much needed liquidity. This filing is about a DIP credit facility folks. Without it, they’d be looking at Chapter 7 liquidation. Per the debtors:

The Debtors must have access to the DIP Facilities to continue to pay essential expenses—including employee benefits, trust fund taxes and other critical operating expenditures—while they use the breathing spell provided by the Bankruptcy Code to wait out the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and attempt to pursue a value-maximizing transaction for all stakeholders.

Critical operating expenditures? Yup, e-commerce maintenance and fulfillment, wholesale and restructuring expenses baby. The plan is to “mothball” the business and hope for a tiered reopening of stores “at the conclusion fo the COVID-19 pandemic.” In the meantime, the debtors intend to pull a Modell’s/Pier 1 and get relief from having to pay rent. This as pure of a “breathing spell” as you can get.

Back to the financing. The debtors have approximately $139mm of funded debt split between a $28.5mm asset-backed term loan (inclusive of LOCs) and a $110.5mm first lien term loan. The debtors also had access to a $28.5mm revolver subject to a “borrowing base,” as usual, but that facility wasn’t tapped. We’re guessing Crystal Financial ratcheted up reserves and didn’t leave much opportunity for drawing that money outside of a filing.

In March 2020 the debtors sought, in earnest, new financing, talking to their existing lenders and third-party lenders. They also considered the possibility of tapping funds via the recently-enacted CARES Act. They note:

In addition to the Debtors’ efforts in the private marketplace, the Debtors and their Restructuring Advisors evaluated the availability of government appropriations through the CARES Act. After careful consideration, the Debtors determined that they were not eligible for government funding, or to the extent that there was a possibility that they would be eligible, they would not be able to wait the time necessary to find out whether a loan would be available under the CARES Act. The Debtors are hopeful that future stimulus packages will target companies such as the Debtors – i.e. mid-market companies with 1000 employees that are currently in chapter 11, but that could utilize government financing when emerging from chapter 11.

New third-party financing didn’t come to fruition. Among other reasons, lenders cited “the timing, complexity and overall challenges in the retail industry in light of COVID-19.” It’s hard out there for an underwriter. Ultimately, the debtors settled on financing offered by some of its first lien term lenders.

Now, we don’t normally get too deep into DIP details but given the difficulty financing retailers today, we thought the structure merited discussion. Here’s what the debtors negotiated:

  • A $29mm senior secured super-priority asset-based revolver (rollup);

  • A $59.89mm senior secured super-priority delayed-draw term loan credit facility of which $8.4mm is new money, a bit over $3mm is for LOCs, and the rest constitutes a rollup of pre-petition debt.

Major equityholder and pre-petition lender Farmstead Capital Management LLC is a big player in the term loan. The DIP is subject to a “strict” 13-week budget based on a four-month case with an eye towards either a section 363 sale or a reorganization by mid-May. Seems ambitious. For obvious reasons. But Farmstead ain’t suffering no fools. Per the debtors:

…the Debtors’ lenders are unwilling to fund a contentious chapter 11 case and they have made this clear to the Debtors over the course of the negotiations. Any material delay or significant litigation during these cases will result in the Debtors’ default of its covenants and send the Debtors spiraling into a fire-sale liquidation.

Given that Farmstead is taking half of its DIP fee paid-in-kind, they may be looking to own this sucker on the backend via a credit bid. Hats off to those guys.

*The papers are not entirely clear but they appear to indicate that e-commerce “accounts for less than 26% of sales” out of $209mm or ~$54mm. Given layoffs across the country, we have to think that e-commerce fell off a cliff in February and March too. Said another way, there’s no way it could’ve generated enough revenue to keep the business afloat. Also, JP Morgan ($JPM) included the following chart in its earnings deck this week:

Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 4.17.58 PM.png

**We’d be remiss if we didn’t note the financial performance here. Again, the debtors highlighted a $50mm net loss in the fiscal year that just closed on February 1, 2020. Here are the financial projections that True Religion filed as part of its disclosure statement during its first chapter 11 filing:

That’s a savage miss.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Sontchi)

  • Capital Structure: $28.5mm Asset-Backed Term Loan (Crystal Financial LLC), $110.5mm First Lien TL (Delaware Trust Company)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Cole Schotz PC (Justin Alberto, Seth Van Aalten, Michael Trentin, Kate Stickles, Patrick Reilley, Taylre Janak) & Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (Arik Preis, Kevin Eide)

    • Board of Directors: Eugene Davis, Lisa Gavales, Stephen Perrella, Robert McHugh

    • Financial Advisor: Province Inc. (Michael Atkinson)

    • Real Estate Advisor: RCS Real Estate Advisors

    • Claims Agent: Stretto (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Pre-petition ABL & DIP ABL Agent: Crystal Financial LLC

      • Legal: Choate Hall & Stewart LLP (John Ventola, Jonathan Marshall) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

    • Pre-petition TL & DIP TL Lenders

      • Legal: Proskauer Rose LLP (Brian Rosen, Lucy Kweskin) & Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Jaime Luton Chapman)

    • Major equityholders: Farmstead Capital Management LLC, Waddell & Reed, Towerbrook Capital Partners, Apex Credit Partners LLC, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

📜New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - SFP Franchise Corp. (aka Papyrus)📜

SFP Franchise Corp.

January 23, 2010

Just last week someone from the PETITION team needed to get a card commemorating a family occasion and checked out the Papyrus store in Grand Central Station. It was jam-packed. She then went on to spent $7.99 on a frikken card — something that, it seems, was just $2.99 a few years ago. We suppose there’s a $4 premium for cards that look hand-created yet are mass-produced. Whatever. Anyway, inflation notwithstanding, Tennessee-based SFP Franchise Corp. and its affiliate Schurman Fine Papers filed for bankruptcy this week. Sure, sure, they sell $7.99 cards but at the time of filing, the debtors were down to their last $32k. 😬

This is NOT a story about disruption in the way some might expect. No, electronic cards that literally NOBODY ON THE PLANET OPENS did not destroy this business. At least significantly enough for the company to acknowledge it as a factor. People still dig physical acknowledgements. Instead, this is a story about over-expansion, poor timing, bad deals and over-reliance on one counterparty. In this case, American Greetings Corporation.

The debtors started in 1950 as a greeting card and stationary wholesaler. They expanded into franchise, retail and online over time and the expansion brought on some pain in 2008-2009 (shortly after the company re-purchased franchises). At that time, the debtors engaged with American Greetings as a strategic partner. The debtors sold American Greetings their wholesale business and brand and related trademarks. In turn, the debtors acquired the retail business previously operated by American Greetings — both in the US and Canada (PETITION Note: if you’re thinking, “I thought that brand and trademarks are really the only thing of value for retailers today, well, you’re not wrong.”). Score one for American Greetings here: it dumped its brick-and-mortar retail on the debtors right before the retail sh*tstorm hit. 👍

The deal is special in retrospect. American Greetings agreed to (i) supply the debtors product for an initial term of 7 years, and (ii) provide a royalty-free license of the trademarks for 10 years. In exchange, the debtors agreed to (i) provide fee-generating marketing services for 7 years and (ii) collect and provide point-of-sale data to American Greetings for an initial term of 7 years (for a fee). In essence, the debtors didn’t own or control the product and didn’t own or control the intellectual property. Said another way, this business was dead in 2009: the debtors just didn’t know it yet.

Well, it’s now 2020 and the debtors are, in fact, officially dead. American Greetings pulled the plug in December when it notified the debtors that it was terminating the agreements (citing default under the agreements). Instantaneously, the debtors lost access to product which, in turn, affected revenues.

All 254 stores in the US (178) and Canada (76) will close. 1,100 people are going to need to find new jobs. Trade creditors owed approximately $8mm are essentially screwed. And there will now be more empty boxes in malls. The ramifications of a liquidating retailer cannot be overstated.

The debtors will seek permission to use cash collateral to conduct, with the assistance of Gordon Brothers Retail Partners LLC and Hilco Merchant Resources LLC, an orderly liquidation under chapter 11.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge )

  • Capital Structure: $6.675mm RCF (Wells Fargo Bank NA), $10mm LOC (PNC Bank NA), $38.7mm subordinated debt (AG, Carlton Cards Limited, Papyrus-Recycled Greetings Canada Ltd.)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Landis Rath & Cobb LLP (Adam Landis, Matthew McGuire, Nicolas Jenner)

    • Financial Advisor/CRO: Mackinac Partners LLC (Craig Boucher)

    • Liquidation Consultant: Gordon Brothers Retail Partners LLC & Hilco Merchant Resources LLC

      • Legal: Greenberg Traurig LLP (Jeffrey Wolf, Dennis Meloro)

    • Claims Agent: Omni Agent Solutions (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Prepetition Agent: Wells Fargo Bank NA

      • Legal: Riemer & Braunstein LLP (Donald Rothman, Steven Fox, Anthony Stumbo, Paul Bekker) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

    • Subordinated Creditor: American Greetings Corporation

      • Legal: Baker & Hostetler LLP (Michael VanNiel, Adam Fletcher) & Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP (John Demmy)

New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing - High Ridge Brands Co.

High Ridge Brands Co.

December 18, 2019

Connecticut-based, private-equity-owned (Clayton Dubilier & Rice LLC) High Ridge Brands Co. (“HRB”) filed for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware. High Ridge what? Right, we wouldn’t expect you to know what HRB is but you may very well know several of the brands in its portfolio. Ever visit Nana’s house for the weekend, hop into the shower, and see a boatload of VO5 or White Rain shampoo on the shelf? Zest soap? Or have you ever seen some shadeball do this on the street?


Oh yeah. Nothing says class like Binaca! Anyway, all four of the aforementioned products are in HRB’s brand portfolio. That portfolio also includes the Coast, Firefly, LA Looks, Rave, Reach, Salon Grafix, SGX NYC, Thicker Fuller Hair, and the Zero Frizz brands; the most recent portfolio addition was, in late 2016, Dr. Fresh, which sounds like a Marvel superhero but is an oral-care brand focused on value toothbrushes and the like. This acquisition marked an expansion away from HRB’s historical focus on primarily skin cleaning and hair care products in the “value” segment. HRB describes their business model as follows:

“Given their focus on value price points, the goal of the Debtors’ early strategy was to minimize costs, which they did by concentrating supply and optimizing logistics to leverage unit volumes to create a low cost structure with fully outsourced manufacturing and logistics primarily in the United States. Said differently, the Debtors’ original business plan revolved around low-cost, low-margin, and high-volume product distribution.”

Interestingly, the gangbusters economy has not been so gangbusters for HRB and, by extension here, CD&R’s equity. HRB, therefore, has recently pivoted:

Given that the Company’s hair care and skin cleansing brand portfolio was concentrated in product segments (e.g., bar soap and hair spray) and price points (e.g., opening price points and value) that were shrinking due to shifting consumer preferences and a strong economy that led to a reduction in shelf space allotted to value priced products, the Debtors have focused recently on transformative innovation to drive topline growth in growing segments (e.g., natural products, texturizers, and body wash) at slightly higher price points. The company has also invested in capability and capacity across the organization to elevate the speed it can bring products to market, its customer service, and its performance management. These tactics, in conjunction with their recent acquisitions, have positioned the Debtors well for sustainable, profitable growth.

Now, if that last bit about razzle dazzle change and high prospects seems like a sales pitch to you, well, give yourself a pat on the back because that is precisely the point of this chapter 11 filing. And the first day filing papers reflect this: the First Day Declaration is replete with chest-pounding talk about how great HRB’s asset-light model is, how large the total addressable market is for their products, how diversified and recognizable their brands are, and how deep their customer relationships are. With respect to the latter, HRB touts its key customers: “Walmart, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Walgreens, Kroger, Family Dollar, 99 Cents Only Stores, CVS, HEB, Wakefern and other blue chip retailers.” UM, WOULD THESE BE THE VERY SAME CUSTOMERS WHO ARE TAKING AWAY HRB’S SHELF SPACE? 🤔😜

Someone will have to buy into all of ⬆️ and disregard HRB’s actual recent performance — performance that has sucked sh*t to the tune of $301.1mm in net sales and a $62.5mm net loss (and $35.5mm of adjusted EBITDA…adjusted for what we wonder?). We would love to see the data room: given increased emphasis on higher quality product at affordable prices, among other factors, we bet the numbers are showing disturbing quarterly declines but that’s just a guess.

HRB highlights the following as events that led to its chapter cases:

  • Increased competition in the personal care industry and a shift away from its value brands;

  • An inability to account for increasing commodity costs when marketing to value customers;

  • A late shift to higher-margin products;

  • An education challenge in that HRB will now need to educate the consumer about its newer, higher-margin brands — something that has and will elevate marketing costs; and

  • A soap supplier (a) jamming HRB with higher costs and HRB not having replacements at the ready and (b) failing to deliver the supply HRB needed.

Of course, there’s also the capital structure. HRB has over $500mm of debt split between a $50mm revolving credit facility, a $213.4mm term loan, and $261mm of '25 8.875% senior unsecured notes (as well as $28.7mm of trade debt).

Tellingly, HRB wasn’t able to get its lenders on board with a restructuring transaction. Per HRB:

…the Debtors explored (1) a consensual restructuring among the Debtors, the Prepetition First Lien Lenders, and the Noteholders; (2) a plan of reorganization sponsored by the Prepetition First Lien Lenders; (3) a toggle plan with a focus on a sale of the Debtors’ assets with a reorganization backstop; (4) a chapter 11 sale process with the Prepetition First Lien Lenders acting as a stalking horse bidder; and (5) a chapter 11 sale process funded by a debtor-in-possession facility provided by the Prepetition First Lien Lenders or some subset thereof.

The Debtors’ initial goal was to effectuate a consensual restructuring out of court, and the Debtors engaged with both the Prepetition First Lien Lenders and the Ad Hoc Group to explore this possibility prior to commencing the Sale Process … in September of this year. As part of this, the Debtors provided the Ad Hoc Group with a significant amount of due diligence and held a number of meetings with the Ad Hoc Group’s professionals. Although the initial discussions did result in the Ad Hoc Group providing the Debtors with an initial set of potential terms for a restructuring, negotiations ultimately dwindled such that the Debtors decided they needed to pivot to other restructuring alternatives.

Now, it’s hard to say, from the outside looking in, what this all means. Getting this kind of deal done out-of-court was — depending on how concentrated the debt holdings are — probably unrealistic. It sounds like the lenders lacked not only the numbers to get something done but the conviction. There’s no restructuring support agreement here. There’s not even a stalking horse bidder. So, none of that is great.

On the plus side … maybe?… an earlier DIP commitment for $70mm has been decreased to $40mm ($20mm of which is a roll-up of prepetition amounts). HRB claims that this a reflection of the “liquidity position and forecasted liquidity needs over the course of the…cases” which would suggest that liquidity has improved since first discussing DIP financing back in August. Alternatively, it could mean that the DIP lenders are skittish given what appears to be a significant gap in the perception of value. The DIP matures in four months — presumably enough time to allow a sale process to play out through the beginning of February. Now the pressure is on PJT Partners Inc. ($PJT) to deliver a potential buyer.


One final thing to note here: the petition lists HRB’s top 50 creditors and, of that 50, only a handful are trade creditors. Typically you’d see the indenture trustee listed as the top creditor, subsuming the entirety of the outstanding debt issuance outstanding. Here, HRB individually listed each of the noteholders. This could mean that the company has, for the most part, kept its trade current, relegating a very small subset to unpaid status. Indeed, those few creditors listed are owed more than 50% of the outstanding trade debt.

Furthermore, the company filed a critical vendor motion seeking to pay $26.5mm in critical vendor, shipper, 503b9 and foreign vendor claims. That conveniently wouldn’t leave much of an unsecured creditor body outside of the notes.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Shannon)

  • Capital Structure: $50mm RCF & $213.4mm TL (BMO Harris Bank NA), $261mm '25 8.875% senior unsecured notes (Wilmington Trust)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Robert Brady, Edmon Morton, Ian Bambrick, Allison Mielke, Jared Kochenash) & Debevoise & Plimpton LLLP (M. Natasha Labovitz, Nick Kaluk III)

    • Financial Advisor/CRO: Ankura Consulting Group LLC (Benjamin Jones)

    • Investment Banker: PJT Partners LP (John Singh)

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Equity Sponsor: Clayton Dubilier & Rice LLC

    • DIP Administrative Agent & Agent under the Prepetition First Lien Credit Agreement: BMO Harris Bank NA

      • Legal: Winston & Strawn LLP (Daniel McGuire, Gregory Gartland, Dov Goodman) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

    • Indenture Trustee for the 8.875% ‘25 Senior Notes: Wilmington Trust NA

      • Legal: Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP (Todd Meyers, Gianfranco Finizio) & Morris James LLP (Eric Monzo, Brya Keilson)

    • Ad Hoc Group of 8.875% ‘25 Senior Noteholders

🐟New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy & CCAA Filing - Bumble Bee Parent Inc.🐟

Bumble Bee Parent Inc.

November 21, 2019

Tuna fish went from playing a role in the founding of one of the world’s largest private equity firms (Blackstone) to, in the case of Bumble Bee Parent Inc. and its affiliated debtors, another private-equity-backed (Lion Capital LLP) bankruptcy. Bumble Bee is the company behind “shelf-stable seafood” brands Bumble Bee, Brunswick, Sweet Sue, Snow’s Beach Cliff and Wild Selections (as well as a Canadian brand). It has been on a wild ride since 2017.

The bankruptcy narrative is that a plea agreement with the United States Department of Justice related to criminal charges of alleged price-fixing led to burdensome financial obligations by way of (a) a $25mm criminal fine) and (b) defense costs associated with an onslaught of subsequent civil lawsuits from direct and indirect purchasers of products claiming damages arising out of the alleged price-fixing. This overhang ultimately led to the debtors arriving at, but not quite tripping, an event of default with their term lenders in Q4 ‘18. The debtors have been operating under a series of short-term limited waivers ever since as they sought to explore strategic alternatives.

They have one. The debtors have a stalking horse purchase agreement with affiliates of FCF Co. Ltd.for the sale of substantially all of the Company’s assets at a total implied enterprise value of up to $930.6 million, comprised of $275 million of cash, assumption of the remaining $17 million of the DOJ Fine, and the roll-over of up to $638.6 million in outstanding term loan indebtedness.” This sale will preserve the business as a going concern, preserve jobs, and provide an ongoing business partner to vendors and customers who consider the debtors to be partners.

Debtor first day bankruptcy papers are typically replete with spin and these papers are no different. In fact, necessarily so, they read like an offering memorandum. The papers discuss how the debtors provide “nutricious foods” that are “well-positioned to address a number of important consumer preferences and food trends, including shifts toward protein-rich, low-fat/low-calorie, and high Omega-3 fatty acid diets and trends towards eating multiple small or ‘snack-sized’ portions per day rather than the traditional three-square meals per day, and an overall increase in ‘snacking.’” They have the #1 or #2 market share in the shelf-stable seafood category and 41% of the US share of sales of canned albacore tuna. They also hold “approximately 13% of the U.S. share of sales of canned “light meat” tuna, approximately 12% of the share of sales in tuna pouches, approximately 71% of the U.S. share of sales in ready-to-eat tuna meals, approximately 40% of the U.S. share of sales in sardines, and approximately 16% of the U.S. share of sales in salmon.” It helps that they’re sold at virtually every major bigbox retailer, wholesale club, and grocery store. In 2018, the company had net sales of approximately $933m and adjusted EBITDA of $112.3m and the debtors’ U.S.-based operations contributed $722.2m of net sales and adjusted EBITDA of $86.3m. This is big business.

Putting aside its recent brush with the law, it also faces big market challenges. Questions persist about the safety and viability of shelf-stable seafood, particularly tuna. Indeed, there are headwinds. One sign of this may be that the Company’s overall Adjusted EBITDA has declined by approximately 20% from 2015 to 2018. We assume that, here, the EBITDA is adjusted to ex-out litigation costs.

And then there is this bonkers Wall Street Journal piece noting that consumption of canned tuna has fallen steadily compared with fresh and frozen fish. “Per capita consumption of canned tuna has dropped 42% in the three decades through 2016, according to the latest data available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And the downturn has continued, with sales of the fish slumping 4% by volume from 2013 to October 2018, data from market-research firm IRI show.

This bit is off the charts: “In a country focused on convenience, canned tuna isn’t cutting it with consumers. Many can’t be bothered to open and drain the cans, or fetch utensils and dishes to eat the tuna. “A lot of millennials don’t even own can openers,” said Andy Mecs, vice president of marketing and innovation for Pittsburgh-based StarKist, a subsidiary of South Korea’s Dongwon Group.” To address this trend, the debtors have made forays into the fresh fish category. Otherwise, these challenges will play out another day. With a different owner.

A few more bankruptcy-specific points:

  1. The debtors prevailed over a fee objection by the United States Trustee relating to interim access to $40mm of a proposed $80mm DIP term loan facility and immediate access to a $200mm DIP ABL. It seems that Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, as counsel to DIP term lender Brookfield Principal Credit LLC had to give the UST a lesson in reverse-Seinfeld Logic. With lending, it is about “taking the reservation” rather than holding or using the reservation: once a debtor obtains a commitment to funds, those funds are committed and technically cannot be allocated elsewhere. The lenders argue, therefore, that fees are warranted upfront.

  2. Critical vendor motions can sometimes be controversial because, naturally, everyone wants to jump the line with critical vendor designation. To get it, however, pursuant to standards set many many years ago, there’s a multi-prong test that must be satisfied. In a nutshell, the critical vendor payments are needed to prevent disruption of a debtors’ business, among other things. Here, the buyer, FCF Co Ltd., seeks critical vendor status to the tune of $51mm (out of a $77mm critical vendor ask). Some other creditors were like “Mmmmmm???” and insisted that the Judge postpone any interim payments until an official committee of unsecured creditors could be appointed. Despite protests from FCF’s counsel, Weil for the DIP lender, and the debtors, Judge Silverstein declined to rule on the motion at the hearing, highlighting the unusual nature of a prospective buyer seeking status. If they want the business, will they really walk away?

Despite these first day fireworks, this should be a relatively smooth one.

One last question it poses is this: will this be just the first of a clump of tuna-related bankruptcies? 🤔

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Silverstein)

  • Capital Structure: see below.

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP (Alan Kornberg, Kelly Cornish, Claudia Tobler, Christopher Hopkins, Rich Ramirez, Aidan Synnot) & (local) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP (Pauline Morgan, Ryan Bartley, Ashley Jacobs, Elizabeth Justison, Jared Kochenash)

    • Board of Directors: Scott Vogel, Steve Panagos

    • Financial Advisor: AlixPartners LLP

    • Investment Banker: Houlihan Lokey Inc.

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • ABL Agent & DIP Agent: Wells Fargo Capital Finance LLC

      • Legal: Paul Hastings LLP (Andrew Tenzer, Michael Comerford, Peter Burke) & Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward, Morgan Patterson)

    • Term Loan Agent & Term Loan DIP Agent: Brookfield Principal Credit LLC

      • Legal: Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP (Matthew Barr, David Griffiths, Debora Hoehne, Yehudah Buchweitz) & Richards Layton & Finger PA (Paul Heath, Zachary Shapiro, Brendan Schlauch)

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New Chapter 11 Filing - Elk Petroleum Inc.

Elk Petroleum Inc.

May 22, 2019

On May 22nd 2019, Elk Petroleum Aneth, LLC and Resolute Aneth, LLC voluntarily filed petitions for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with a restructuring support agreement with their noteholders. The debtors already have a plan of reorganization on file. Per the disclosure statement, the debtors claim that the cause of its financial distress and eventual bankruptcy was due to:

Debtors’ ambitious endeavors to acquire multiple oil and gas assets outpaced the Debtors’ balance sheet, and in certain respects, performance of the operated and non-operated assets failed to meet initial expectations.

The debtors tried to alleviate uncertainty of future cash flows through hedging oil prices. Oil prices went up, however, not down, and the hedging was, with the benefit of 50/50 hindsight, clearly a bad mistake. Here is what they have to say about that:

Debtors were unable to capture the financial benefits of the improving commodity price environment due to their hedge obligations under the BP ISDA.

Whoops. The Debtors are to receive $10mm in Debtor-in-Possession financing by certain supporting noteholders. All in all, the cause of distress continues to align with the reason for other bankruptcy filings in O&G land we’ve touched on. High fixed costs, lower than expected revenues and impatient lenders.

  • Jurisdiction: District of Delaware (Judge Laurie Silverstein)

  • Pre-Petition Capital Structure:

    • Revolving Credit Facility: $14.5mm FO Revolver (AB Elk Holdings LLC)

    • First Lien Credit Facility: $114.0mm TL (HPS Investment Partners)

    • Unsecured Debt: $54.9mm TL (LIM Asia Special Situations Master Fund Limited, AB Elk Holdings, ACR Multi-Strategy Quality Return (MQR) Fund, A Series of Investment Management Series Trust II (“ACR”), Fulcrum Energy Capital Fund II, LLC)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Proposed Debtors & Debtors-in-Possession - Norton Rose Fulbright LLP (Gregory M. Wilkes, Kristian W. Gluck, Scott P. Drake, John N. Schwartz & Shivani Shah) Womble Bond Dickinson LLP (Matthew P. Ward & Morgan L. Patterson)

    • Financial Advisor: Ankura Consulting Group, LLC (Scott M. Pinsonnault), Opportune LLP

    • Investment Banker: Stephens Inc.

    • Claims Agent: Stretto (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • HPS Investment Partners: Provider of First Lien Term Loan

    • Certain unsecured loan holders:

      • AB Co-Invest Elk Holdings LLC

    • Certain secured debt holders:

      • AB Elk Holdings LLC

      • Riverstone Credit Partners - Direct, L.P.

      • Riverstone Credit Partners II - Direct LP

      • Riverstone Strategic Credit Partners S, L.P.

      • Riverstone Strategic Credit Partners A-2 AIV, L.P.

🌑New Chapter 11 Filing - Cloud Peak Energy Inc.🌑

In what ought to come as a surprise to absolutely no one, Cloud Peak Energy Inc. ($CLD) and a slate of affiliates FINALLY filed for bankruptcy.

Let’s take a moment of silence for coal country, shall we? If this is what MAGA looks like, we’d hate to see what happens when a global downturn eventually hits. There’s gonna be blood in the water.

Sounds like hyperbole? Note that since 2016, there have been a slate of coal-related bankruptcies, i.e., Westmoreland Coal CompanyMission Coal Company LLC, and now Cloud Peak Energy Inc. Blackhawk Mining LLC appears to be waiting in the wings. We suppose it could be worse: we could be talking about oil and gas country (and we will be, we certainly will be…and SOON.).

Cloud Peak is an impressive company. Since its formation in 2008, it has become one of the largest (subbituminous thermal coal) coal producers in the US — supplying enough coal to satisfy approximately 2% of the US’ electricity demand. Its three surface mines are located in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana; it sold approximately 50mm tons of coal in 2018 to 46 domestic and foreign end users.*

In the scheme of things, Cloud Peak’s balance sheet isn’t overly complicated. We’re not talking about billions of dollars of debt here like we saw with Walter EnergyPeabody Energy, Arch Coal, Patriot Coal or Alpha Natural Resources. So, not all coal companies and coal company bankruptcies are created equal. Nevertheless, the company does have $290.4mm of ‘21 12% secured notes (Wilmington Trust NA) and $56.4mm of ‘24 6.375% unsecured notes (Wilmington Trust NA as successor trustee to Wells Fargo Bank NA) to contend with for a total of $346.8mm in funded debt liability. The company is also party to a securitization facility. And, finally, the company also has reclamation obligations related to their mines and therefore has $395mm in third-party surety bonds outstanding with various insurance companies, backed by $25.7mm in letters of credit. Coal mining is a messy business, homies.

So why bankruptcy? Why now? Per the company:

The Company’s chapter 11 filing, however, was precipitated by (i) general distress affecting the domestic U.S. thermal coal industry that produced a sustained low price environment that could not support profit margins to allow the Company to satisfy its funded debt obligations; (ii) export market price volatility that caused decreased demand from the Company’s customers in Asia; (iii) particularly challenging weather conditions in the second quarter of 2018 that caused spoil failure and significant delays in coal production through the remainder of 2018 and into 2019, which reduced cash inflows from coal sales and limited credit availability; and (iv) recent flooding in the Midwestern United States that has significantly disrupted rail service, further reducing coal sales.

To summarize, price compression caused by natural gas. Too much regulation (which, in turn, favors natural gas over coal). Too much debt. And, dare we say, global warming?!? Challenging weather and flooding must be really perplexing in coal country where global warming isn’t exactly embraced with open arms.

Now, we may be hopping to conclusions here but, these bits are telling — and are we say, mildly ironic in a tragic sort of way:

In addition to headwinds facing thermal coal producers and export market volatility, the Company’s mines suffered from unusually heavy rains affecting Wyoming and Montana in the second quarter of 2018. For perspective, the 10-year average combined rainfall for May, June, and July at the Company’s Antelope Mine is 6.79 inches. In 2018, it rained 10.2 inches during that period. While certain operational procedures put in place following heavy flooding in 2014 functioned effectively to mitigate equipment damage, the 2018 rains interrupted the Company’s mining operations considerably.

It gets worse.

The problem with rain is that the moisture therefrom causes “spoil.” Per the company:

Spoil is the term used for overburden and other waste rock removed during coal mining. The instability in the dragline pits caused wet spoil to slide into the pits that had to be removed by dragline and/or truck-shovel methods before the coal could be mined. This caused significant delays and diverted truck-shovel capacity from preliminary stripping work, which caused additional production delays at the Antelope Mine. The delays resulting from the spoil failure at the Antelope Mine caused the Company to have reduced shipments, increased costs, and delayed truck-shovel stripping in 2018. Consequently, the reduced cash inflows from coal sales limited the Company’s credit availability under the financial covenants in the Amended Credit Agreement prior to its termination, and limited access to any new forms of capital.

But, wait. There’s more:

Additionally, the severe weather affecting the Midwest region of the United States in mid-March 2019 caused, among other things, extensive flooding that damaged rail lines. One of Cloud Peak’s primary suppliers of rail transportation services – BNSF – was negatively impacted by the flooding and has been unable to provide sufficient rail transportation services to satisfy the Company’s targeted coal shipments. As of the Petition Date, BNSF’s trains have resumed operations, but are operating on a less frequent schedule because of repairs being made to rail lines damaged by the extensive flooding. As a result, the Company’s coal shipments have been materially impacted, with cash flows significantly reduced through mid-June 2019.

Riiiiiiiight. But:

More about Moore here: the tweet, as you might expect, doesn’t tell the full story.


The company has been burning a bit over $7mm of liquidity a month since September 2018. Accordingly, it sought strategic alternatives but was unable to find anything viable that would clear its cap stack. We gather there isn’t a whole lot of bullishness around coal mines these days.

To buy itself some time, therefore, the company engaged in a series of exchange transactions dating back to 2016. This enabled it to extinguish certain debt maturing in 2019. And thank G-d for the public markets: were it not for a February 2017 equity offering where some idiot public investors hopped in to effectively transfer their money straight into noteholder pockets, this thing probably would have filed for bankruptcy sooner. That equity offering — coupled with a preceding exchange offer — bought the company some runway to continue to explore strategic alternatives. The company engaged J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to find a partner but nothing was actionable. Ah….coal.

Thereafter, the company hired a slate of restructuring professionals to help prepare it for the inevitable. Centerview Partners took over for J.P. Morgan Securities LLC but, to date, has had no additional luck. The company filed for bankruptcy without any prospective buyers lined up.

Alas, the company filed for bankruptcy with a “sale and plan support agreement” or “SAPSA.” While this may sound like a venereal disease, what it really means is that the company has an agreement with a significant percentage of both its secured and unsecured noteholders to dual track a sale and plan process. If they can sell the debtors’ assets via a string of 363 sales, great. If they have to do a more fulsome transaction by way of a plan, sure, that also works. These consenting noteholders also settled some other disputes and support the proposed $35mm DIP financing

*Foreign customers purchased approximately 9% of ‘18 coal production.

  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware (Judge Gross)

  • Capital Structure: $290mm 12% ‘21 secured debt (Wilmington Trust NA), $56.4mm unsecured debt (BOKF NA)

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Vinson & Elkins LLP (Paul Heath, David Meyer, Jessica Peet, Lauren Kanzer, Matthew Moran, Steven Zundell, Andrew Geppert, Matthew Pyeatt, Matthew Struble, Jeremy Reichman) & (local) Richards Layton & Finger PA (Daniel DeFranceschi, John Knight)

    • Financial Advisor: FTI Consulting Inc. (Alan Boyko)

    • Investment Banker: Centerview Partners (Marc Puntus, Ryan Kielty, Johannes Preis)

    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Major shareholders: Renaissance Technologies LLC, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Kopernik Global Advisors, Blackrock Inc.

    • DIP Agent: Ankura Trust Company LLC

      • Legal: Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP (Damian Schaible, Aryeh Ethan Falk, Christopher Robertson) & (local) Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Robert Dehney, Curtis Miller, Paige Topper)

      • Financial Advisor: Houlihan Lokey

    • Prepetition Secured Noteholder Group (Allianz Global Investors US LLC, Arena Capital Advisors LLC, Grace Brothers LP, Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management Inc. Nuveen Alternatives Advisors LLC, Wexford Capital LP, Wolverine Asset Management LLC)

      • Legal: Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP (Damian Schaible, Aryeh Ethan Falk, Christopher Robertson) & (local) Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Robert Dehney, Curtis Miller, Paige Topper)

    • Indenture Trustee: BOKF NA

      • Legal: Arent Fox LLP (Andrew Silfen, Jordana Renert) & (local) Womble Bond Dickinson US LLP (Matthew Ward)

    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (BOKF NA, Nelson Brothers Mining Services LLC, Wyoming Machinery Company, Cummins Inc., ESCO Group LLC, Tractor & Equipment Co., Kennebec Global)

      • Legal: Morrison & Foerster LLP (Lorenzo Marinuzzi, Jennifer Marines, Todd Goren, Daniel Harris, Mark Lightner) & Morris James LLP (Carl Kunz III, Brya Keilson, Eric Monzo)

      • Investment Banker: Jefferies LLC (Leon Szlezinger)

Update: 7/7/19 #379