⛽️New Chapter 11 Filing - Legacy Reserves Inc.⛽️

Legacy Reserves Inc.

June 18, 2019

Even at 95 years old, you can’t get one past Charlie Munger. #Legend.

The Permian Basin in West Texas is where it’s at in the world of oil and gas exploration and production. Per Wikipedia:

As of 2018, the Permian Basin has produced more than 33 billion barrels of oil, along with 118 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This production accounts for 20% of US crude oil production and 7% of US dry natural gas production. While the production was thought to have peaked in the early 1970s, new technologies for oil extraction, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically. Estimates from the Energy Information Administration have predicted that proven reserves in the Permian Basin still hold 5 billion barrels of oil and approximately 19 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

oil gushing.gif

And it may be even more prolific than originally thought. Norwegian research firm Rystad Energy recently issued a report indicating that Permian projected output was already above 4.5mm barrels a day in May with volumes exceeding 5mm barrels in June. This staggering level of production is pushing total U.S. oil production to approximately 12.5mm barrels per day in May. That means the Permian now accounts for 36% of US crude oil production — a significant increase over 2018. Normalized across 365 days, that would be a 1.64 billion barrel run rate. This is despite (a) rigs coming offline in the Permian and (b) natural gas flaring and venting reaching all-time highs in Q1 ‘19 due to a lack of pipelines. Come again? That’s right. The Permian is producing in quantities larger than pipelines can accommodate. Per Reuters:

Producers burned or vented 661 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) in the Permian Basin of West Texas and eastern New Mexico, the field that has driven the U.S. to record oil production, according to a new report from Rystad Energy.

The Permian’s first-quarter flaring and venting level more than doubles the production of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico’s most productive gas facility, Royal Dutch Shell’s Mars-Ursa complex, which produces about 260 to 270 mmcfd of gas.

The Permian isn’t alone in this, however. The Bakken shale field in North Dakota is also flaring at a high level. More from Reuters:

Together, the two oil fields on a yearly basis are burning and venting more than the gas demand in countries that include Hungary, Israel, Azerbaijan, Colombia and Romania, according to the report.

All of which brings us to Legacy Reserves Inc. ($LGCY). Despite the midstream challenges, one could be forgiven for thinking that any operators engaged in E&P in the Permian might be insulated from commodity price declines and other macro headwinds. That position, however, would be wrong.

Legacy is a publicly-traded energy company engaged in the acquisition, development, production of oil and nat gas properties; its primary operations are in the Permian Basin (its largest operating region, historically), East Texas, and in the Rocky Mountain and Mid-Continent regions. While some of these basins may produce gobs of oil and gas, acquisition and production is nevertheless a HIGHLY capital intensive endeavor. And, here, like with many other E&P companies that have recently made their way into the bankruptcy bin, “significant capital” translates to “significant debt.”

Per the Company:

Like similar companies in this industry, the Company’s oil and natural gas operations, including their exploration, drilling, and production operations, are capital-intensive activities that require access to significant amounts of capital.  An oil price environment that has not recovered from the downturn seen in mid-2014 and the Company’s limited access to new capital have adversely affected the Company’s business. The Company further had liquidity constraints through borrowing base redeterminations under the Prepetition RBL Credit Agreement, as well as an inability to refinance or extend the maturity of the Prepetition RBL Credit Agreement beyond May 31, 2019.

This is the company’s capital structure:

Legacy Cap Stack.png

The company made two acquisitions in mid-2015 costing over $540mm. These acquisitions proved to be ill-timed given the longer-than-expected downturn in oil and gas. Per the Company:

In hindsight, despite the GP Board’s and management’s favorable view of the potential future opportunities afforded by these acquisitions and the high-caliber employees hired by the Company in connection therewith, these two acquisitions consumed disproportionately large amounts of the Company’s liquidity during a difficult industry period.

WHOOPS. It’s a good thing there were no public investors in this thing who were in it for the high yield and favorable tax treatment.*

Yet, the company was able to avoid a prior bankruptcy when various other E&P companies were falling like flies. Why was that? Insert the “drillco” structure here: the company entered into a development agreement with private equity firm TPG Special Situations Partners to drill, baby, drill (as opposed to acquire). What’s a drillco structure? Quite simply, the PE firm provided capital in return for a wellbore interest in the wells that it capitalized. Once TPG clears a specified IRR in relation to any specific well, any remaining proceeds revert to the operator. This structure — along with efforts to delever through out of court exchanges of debt — provided the company with much-needed runway during a rough macro patch.

It didn’t last, however. Liquidity continued to be a pervasive problem and it became abundantly clear that the company required a holistic solution to its balance sheet. That’s what this filing will achieve: this chapter 11 case is a financial restructuring backed by a Restructuring Support Agreement agreed to by nearly the entirety of the capital structure — down through the unsecured notes. Per the Company:

The Global RSA contemplates $256.3 million in backstopped equity commitments, $500.0 million in committed exit financing from the existing RBL Lenders, the equitization of approximately $815.8 million of prepetition debt, and payment in full of the Debtors’ general unsecured creditors.

Said another way, the Permian holds far too much promise for parties in interest to walk away from it without maintaining optionality for the future.

*Investors got burned multiple times along the way here. How did management do? Here is one view (view thread: it’s precious):


  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of Texas (Judge Isgur)

  • Capital Structure: See above.

  • Professionals:

    • Legal: Sidley Austin LLP (Duston McFaul, Charles Persons, Michael Fishel, Maegan Quejada, James Conlan, Bojan Guzina, Andrew O’Neill, Allison Ross Stromberg)

    • Financial Advisor: Alvarez & Marsal LLC (Seth Bullock, Mark Rajcevich)

    • Investment Banker: Perella Weinberg Partners (Kevin Cofsky)

    • Claims Agent: KCC (*click on the link above for free docket access)

  • Other Parties in Interest:

    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Wilmington Trust NA, Dalton Investments LLC, Paul Drueke, John Dinkel, Nicholas Mumford)

    • GSO Capital Partners LP

      • Legal: Latham & Watkins LLP (George Davis, Adam Goldberg, Christopher Harris, Zachary Proulx, Brett Neve, Julian Bulaon) & (local) Porter Hedges LLP (John Higgins, Eric English, M. Shane Johnson)

    • DIP Lender: Wells Fargo Bank NA

      • Legal: Orrick LLP (Raniero D’Aversa, Laura Metzger)

    • Prepetition Term Agent: Cortland Capital Market Services LLC

      • Legal: Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP (Gerardo Mijares-Shafai, Seth Kleinman)

    • Indenture Trustee: Wilmington Trust NA

      • Legal: Pryor Cashman (Seth Lieberman, Patrick Sibley, Andrew Richmond)

    • Ad Hoc Group of Senior Noteholders (Canyon Capital Advisors LLC, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund, J.H. Lane Partners Master Fund LP, JCG 2016 Holdings LP, The John C. Goff 2010 Family Trust, John C. Goff SEP-IRA, Cuerno Largo Partners LP, MGA insurance Company Inc., Pingora Partners LLC)

      • Legal: Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP (Brian Resnick, Stephen Piraino, Michael Pera) & (local) Rapp & Krock PC (Henry Flores)

Updated 7/7/19 #188

New Chapter 11 Filing - Seadrill Ltd.

Seadrill Ltd.

  • 9/12/17 Recap: Cash rich offshore oil and gas extraction company with global reach filed a prearranged bankruptcy to effectuate a balance sheet restructuring because...well...it was over-levered AF. The company purports to have a deal with its major creditors with secured creditors kicking the can down the road, and $2.3b worth of unsecured bondholders and other unsecured claims converting into approximately 15% of the post-reorg equity (with participation rights in the new secured notes and equity noted below). The company will get $1.06b of new capital by combination of new secured notes ($860mm) and equity ($200mm). Holders of $NADL stock will get a big fat donut.  
  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of Texas (Judge David Jones)
  • Capital Structure: A. Lot. Of. Debt. Like $5.7mm of bank debt and $2.3mm of unsecured bonds.
First Day Declaration.

First Day Declaration.


  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Kirkland & Ellis LLP (Jayme Sprayragen, Anup Sathy, Ross Kwasteniet, Adam Paul, Brian Schartz, Anna Rotman, Jeffrey Zeiger, Anthony Grossi, Spencer Winters) & (local) Jackson Walker LLP (Patricia Tomasco, Matthew Cavenaugh, Rachel Biblo Block)
    • Restructuring Advisor: Alvarez & Marsal LLC (Jeffrey Stegenga, Ed Mosley)
    • Financial Advisor: Houlihan Lokey (David Hilty, Gavin Kagan, Dimitar Voukadinov, Drew Talarico, David Wang, Brian Keenan, Varun Desai, Daniel McManus) & Morgan Stanley
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Conflicts Committee of Board of Directors of North Atlantic Drilling Limited and to the Conflicts Committee of the Board of Directors of Sevan Drilling Limited
      • Legal: Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP (Jennifer Hardy, Andrew Mordkoff, Derek Osei-Bonsu)
      • Financial Advisor: Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP (Susan Seabury)
    • Conflicts Committee of Seadrill Partners LLC
      • Legal: Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP (Katherine Treistman, Raniero D'Aversa, Laura Metzger, Debra Felder)
    • New Money: Hemen Holding Ltd., Centerbridge Partners LP
      • Legal: Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP (Greg Petrick, Yushan Ng, Nicholas Vislocky) & Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP (Brad Scheler, Jennifer Rodburg, Andrew Minear) & (local) Dykema Cox Smith (Deborah Williamson, Patrick Huffstickler, Aaron Kaufman)
    • Consenting Lender Group
      • Legal: White & Case LLP (Scott Greissman, Philip Abelson, Andrew Katz) & (local) Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP (Robin Russell, Timothy A. Davidson II, Joseph Rovira)
    • Aristeia Capital L.L.C., GLG Partners LP, Saba Capital Management LP and Whitebox Advisors LLC
      • Legal: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (Philip Dublin, Ira Dizengoff, David Staber, Abid Qureshi, Sara Brauner)
    • ARCM Master Fund III, Ltd.
      • Legal: Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, LLP (Elizabeth McColm, Andrew Rosenberg, Catherine Goodall)
    • Indenture Trustee: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
      • Legal: Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (Chad Steward, Glenn Siegel, Crystal Axelrod, Rachel Jaffe Mauceri)
    • Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
      • Legal: Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP (Shirley Cho, Bradford Sandler, Steven Golden)
    • Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.,
      • Legal: Hogan Lovells US LLP (Robin E. Keller, Ronald J. Silverman, Christopher R. Bryant, Michael Shane Johnson) & (local) 
    • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Nordic Trustee AS, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Computershare Trust Company NA, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd., Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Pentagon Freight Services Inc., Louisiana Machinery Co. LLC)
      • Legal: Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP (Thomas Moers Mayer, Douglas Mannal, Jennifer Sharret) & (local) Cole Schotz PC (Michael Warner, Benjamin Wallen)

Updated 10/5/17 12:03 pm CT

New Chapter 15 Filing - Ocean Rig UDW Inc.

Ocean Rig UDW Inc.

  • 3/28/17 Recap: Offshore drilling contractor files for bankruptcy under Chapter 15 to EFF the "vulture investors." Seriously. The Company has secured a TRO to block creditors from obstreperously vulturing their way through a potential debt restructuring. While we're somewhat serious about the foregoing, the Company is also in the midst of four interrelated schemes of arrangement and the Chapter 15 is meant to give the Company breathing room to effectuate a debt-for-equity swap thereunder - exchanging $3.7b of debt for new equity, $450mm of new secured notes, and $288mm of cash. The cause of impairment is the obvious: an "unprecedented decline in recent years in petroleum prices and exploration and development activity," which made interest coverage and refinancing difficult.  
  • Jurisdiction: S.D. of New York
  • Capital Structure: $1.83b '20 TLB, $1.27b '21 TLB, $460mm '17 6.5% DRH secured notes (U.S. Bank NA), $423mm '19 7.25% unsecured notes .     
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP (Evan Hollander, Raniero D'Aversa Jr., Monica Perrigno, Ayanna Lewis-Gruss)
    • Financial Advisor: AlixPartners LLC (Eleanor Fisher, Simon Appell)
    • Investment Banker: Evercore
    • Information Agent: Prime Clerk LLC
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Highland Floating Rate Opportunities Fund, Highland Global Allocation Fund, Highland Opportunistic Credit Fund, Highland Loan Master Fund LP, NexPoint Credit Strategies Fund 
      • Legal: Venable LLP (Jeffrey Sabin, Konstantinos Katsiris, Carol Weiner Levy)
    • Ad Hoc Group of TL Lenders
      • Legal: Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP (Gerard Uzzi, Mark Shinderman, James Behrens, Brian Kinney)
    • Ad Hoc Group of Holders of 6.5% DRH Secured Notes
      • Legal: Kirkland & Ellis LLP (Jayme Sprayragen, Edward Sassower, Brian Schartz, Patrick Nash)
    • Indenture Trustee: US Bank, NA
      • Legal: Kelley Drye & Warren LLP (James Carr, Benjamin Feder)

Updated 3/31/17 3:53 pm

New Chapter 11 Filing - Lily Robotics Inc.

Lily Robotics Inc.

  • 2/27/17 Recap: High-flying (ugh) drone startup that put together kick-a$$ production videos and crowdfunded tens of millions of dollars ($34.8mm to be exact) from tens of thousands of generous suckers (61.450 to be exact) filed for bankruptcy to implement an IP sale, a liquidating plan and avoid investigation and litigation. They'll probably throw in extensive releases for Spark Capital for good measure because, well, why the hell not? And next thing you know, the "revolutionary" and "disruptive" founders will end up fundraising for their next hair-brained scheme and convince yield-starved investors to back them again a la Fab.com's Jason Goldberg. No bubble to see here. Just the dumpster fire that is $13.8mm of Spark Capital's equity capital. 
  • Jurisdiction: D. of Delaware
  • Capital Structure: ~$4mm TL (Spark Capital, VC, successor to SVB Financial Group)   
  • Company Professionals:
    • Legal: Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP (Laura Metzger, Jennifer Asher, Douglas Mintz) & (local) Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP (Robert Dehney, Andrew Remming, Marcy McLaughlin)
    • Financial Advisor: Goldin & Associates (Curtis Solsvig III)
    • Independent Board Member: Drivetrain Advisors (Spencer Wells) 
    • Claims Agent: Prime Clerk LLC (*click on company name for docket)
  • Other Parties in Interest:
    • Spark Capital (VC equity & successor term lender)
      • Legal: Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP (John Loughnane) & (local) Gellert Scali Busenkill & Brown LLC (Ronald Gellert)
  • Silicon Valley Bank (DIP Lender)
    • Legal: Riemer & Braunstein LLP (Alexander Rheaume) & (local) Ashby & Geddes PA (Gregory Taylor)
  • Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
    • Legal: Lowenstein Sandler LLP (Kenneth Rosen, Bruce Buechler, Wojciech Jung, Philip Gross, Michael Papandrea) & (local) Richards Layton & Finger PA (Mark Collins, Amanda Steele, Brett Haywood)
    • Financial Advisor: The DAK Group Ltd. (Sheon Karol, Ari Fuchs, Alan Miller, Claudia Levine)

Update 5/31/17