😎Notice of Appearance -- Nicole Greenblatt, Partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP😎

This week we welcome Nicole Greenblatt, a Partner in the restructuring group at Kirkland & Ellis LLP.

PETITION: Welcome Nicole. Let’s dive in. M&A was bananas in Q1 this year and the capital markets are, to put it plainly, open AF. There’s a lot of dry powder out there. All of these factors have contributed to a dramatic drop-off in restructuring activity thus far this year. What’s your take on the rapid rebound from Q220 and what’s your prediction for Q221?

Nicole: Thanks for having me! Yes the markets are indeed white hot — and wide open. So there’s plenty of (cheap) money to throw at whatever problems a company may be experiencing, and we restructuring professionals may be feeling the drought for a while.  There’s no question the pandemic triggered a major acceleration of chapter 11 filings that cleared most of what was in the pipeline for 2021 and even 2022.  And given the intensity of last year, I’m sure many of us are grateful for the reprieve (its nice to have time to devote to conference panels, pro bono work — and family of course!). Your guess is as good as mine as to whether it’s a bubble and when/ if it will burst. But in the meantime, even when macro conditions create a slow restructuring environment, there’s always something unexpected - within an industry or within a particular business - that drives demand for our work. So don’t despair friends! 

PETITION: You recently worked on the Town Sports International LLC bankruptcy filing. The company filed in September 2020. Talk to us about administering that case in the heart of a pandemic that obviously completely disrupted gym chains all across the country. Specifically, we’d love to hear some war stories about (i) the competing DIP proposals and (ii) whatever the hell happened with the company’s ultimate DIP lender and original stalking horse bidder? Why did the initial transaction fall apart?

Nicole: Wish I had something juicy to share with you guys but the reality is what you read in court papers is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We were brought into the situation very late in the game — and well into the financial impact of the pandemic. Unfortunately there was a lot of bad blood between (and among) the lender group and management. Bottom line - they were engaged in a fairly typical restructuring dispute (over how much new money was needed; to support what footprint and capital improvements; and whether that new money would soak up all the value in the business) in a very atypical and unpredictable operating environment (given ever-changing rules and restrictions on gym openings and varying consumer protection mandates across relevant operating states). Ultimately, “requisite lenders” banned together and used that contractual power to block the larger DIP/sponsored restructuring path the company might have preferred in hopes of locking in some modest recovery through a quick sale. Needless to say, prevailing/worsening market conditions and the cost of the proceedings hampered the Buyer’s own fundraising efforts, and the principal decision makers shifted as the case progressed. But in the end, the funding came through for the company, the sale closed, jobs were preserved and we were able to cover all administrative costs of the case and confirm our plan on a critical timeline.  That was no small feat and is a testament to the extraordinary efforts of everyone involved, especially the CRO team and independent directors who jumped into the case and worked through it every step of the way. 

PETITION: Similarly, what was the biggest challenge in the Lakeland Tours, LLP d/b/a WorldStrides case? Clearly students weren’t engaging in “educational travel experiences” in 2020. How did you overcome it?

NicoleWorldstrides was a shining example of “collaboration in crisis” where the lenders, sponsors and management worked together towards an optimal solution. The company was directly hit by the pandemic during its peak travel season, meaning costs had already been incurred for a significant volume of trips that had to be canceled — and customers wanted their money back. So it was a double whammy: revenue came to a halt and the company needed serious cash to comply with its refund policy and otherwise bridge to a return to travel.  The sponsors and certain lenders ultimately both stepped up to fill the hole in a manner that effectively preserved their relative priorities in the capital structure. Those negotiations were fraught with the typical challenges, which were only exacerbated by the uncertainty of when worldwide travel would resume and the compressed timeline. But the most critical driver of case strategy was getting everyone aligned on one thing: how important the customer experience would be to preserving the long term value of the business (and how damaging and widespread negative consumer publicity could be in a pandemic environment where social-media is rampant).  That meant prioritizing (unsecured) customer refund claims over all other recoveries — and getting those checks out with no delay (i.e., early access to a large DIP).  This critical business objective posed legal and practical challenges in any bankruptcy scenario, and simply would not have been achieved without broad support among the secured lenders. The partnership reached among the sponsors and secured lenders to deliver committed financing for a ‘DIP to prepackaged exit’ was the key to our success.  Starting the case with a comprehensive solution (the target end game) provided essential direction for the case and gave us greater flexibility to get the new money where and when it was needed most. The case was a terrific experience for our whole team (of all women at Kirkland!) who saw first hand how valuable consensus can be in driving an efficient bankruptcy process to solve real world problems. It’s certainly worth fighting for!

PETITION: What do you make of the narrative that the “Yield Baby Yield” fervor the past few years is doing nothing more than propping up zombie companies that ought to have restructured by now? That this trend doesn’t translate to economic optimization of resources?

Nicole: That’s a hard thing to judge. There’s always a subjective element as to what makes a business relevant.  And if a company is doing well enough/ generating sufficient cash flow to continue to service its debt and deliver the yield, it must be relevant enough to some demographic. Don’t get me wrong- I’d love nothing more than to see proactive, resource “optimizing” restructurings — but in my experience most companies (and most people) won’t undertake that effort and expense until the need is clear. Which is of course completely rationale.

PETITION: Women constitute the overwhelming minority around the restructuring negotiation table. Up until very recently, you were the only female equity partner in Kirkland’s restructuring group. How did you navigate that reality? What is your advice for the junior associates or law students out there who are questioning how realistic it is to be partner and succeed in what remains a male dominated industry?

Nicole: There is SO much opportunity for women in this profession! I love what I do and the people I do it with, so I’ve never felt that was something I had to navigate. I’ve always been inspired by the many influential, women leaders in our field — and today there are such incredibly talented women moving up the ranks within Kirkland and across the many legal and financial advisory firms we work with. So at a high level, I suppose my advice to them is simple: keep your eye on the prize. Set your intentions, be great at what you do — and stay focused on the work and delivering results for your clients. Don’t waste time and energy worrying about whether or why you’re the only woman in a conference room or courtroom. Trust that you’re there for all the right reasons — and that your distinct perspective, judgment and skill sets are precisely what make you valuable to your clients and colleagues.

And MOST importantly, please stick with it. The long term rewards of this career are abundant and far outweigh the challenges.  So the best practical advice I can offer is to use all resources at your disposal to set yourself up for success. Outsource ALL non-essential tasks (yes, throw $ at your problems — without apology).  Prioritize your health and wellbeing (I struggle with this one but its essential to staying on top of your game; No excuses).  And finally, surround yourself with positive energy and people who are rooting for you and will always show up for you. You will need them. NO one does this alone - it takes a village...or at least a few of your very own cheerleaders.

PETITION: As we’re sure you’re aware, a book recently came out about the Caesars bankruptcy. You worked on that case. What are 2 or 3 primary lessons that you walked away from that case with? Be candid with us here: what was one thing that was a big win from your perspective and what was one thing that your side could have, maybe, done a bit better?

Nicole: Yes I lived the Caesars case for several years and as acrimonious as it was, it will always be one of the top professional experiences of my career. The case presented every category of complexity you can imagine — from intense corporate governance and litigation related analysis, to novel corporate finance, valuation and structuring issues, to legislative and regulatory issues — and of course just managing the wild ride and larger than life players. I witnessed and learned a lot about so many things, including the influence and importance of the (often unpredictable) rule of law and the relevant inputs to predicting legal outcomes; how deals are made (or not) and the people, negotiating styles and motivations behind them; and the simple truth that not everything is black and white — and what is “right” or “just” can be highly subjective. It’s hard to say what our “side” could have done better — mostly because the question implies everyone in the case was on one side or another of some hypothetical battlefield. We acted for the company so the goal was to get the case done (I know, typical debtor lawyer response - but it has the benefit of being true!)  So for me the biggest “win” was getting to the end and executing the exit: an incredibly complex exercise requiring coordination among many sophisticated advisors across multiple disciplines at many of the firms reading this. They are the unsung heroes of the Caesars story - at least in my book. 

PETITION: Speaking of books, what are some books or podcasts that have helped you get to where you are today?

Nicole: I’ve admittedly never been a big pleasure reader (or podcast listener) —do too much reading and listening on the job — so can’t claim that any inspirational words lit my path. I find my escape in films or TV series (thank you Netflix!) so I’d credit my passion for law to an early obsession with the West Wing... But I have been trying to read more and recently discovered Untamed by Glennon Doyle. It really hit home for me at this stage of my life and career — and is a must read for every woman and mother out there! The general theme is to live “untamed” - true to yourself and free of the cages society places on us (women in particular).  It’s filled with such raw truth, observations and practical guidance - it’s like a modern reference book for life (I wanted to bust out my highlighter on so many passages!).  The author has an amazing way of putting the exact right words around the feelings and sentiment we all experience but can’t necessarily define or articulate for ourselves.  So many golden nuggets in those pages. Good for the soul - and so motivating.

PETITION: Finally, what is the best piece of professional advice that you’ve ever gotten and why?

Nicole: This is a hard one - I’ve gotten so many pearls from so many wonderful, well intentioned people over the years, including the ever important maxim of “done is better than perfect” (thank you Sheryl Sandberg) - words I’m feeling in trying to finish this Q&A. 😊

But for me the rule I live by is to always be your authentic self. I’m a firm believer that you can learn something from absolutely everyone. But it’s never effective to try and mimic what works for others - especially if it means trying to ‘tame’ the parts of yourself that are uniquely you. I’ve been told so many times to be “less sensitive”  (it can be a curse...) but now I embrace my sensitivity as a gift that provides insight into what others need; Observations that influence my approach and recommendations. At the end of the day clients rely on us for our experience and judgment — and they want advice from a trusted source. When you share your true and distinct perspective it should be a reflection of your authentic self - the culmination of your very personal and ever evolving experiences. That’s how you make genuine connections. And that’s where the magic happens.

PETITION: Interesting stuff. Thanks Nicole!

Notice of Appearance: Joshua Sussberg, Partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP

This week PETITION welcomes a notice of appearance by Joshua Sussberg, Partner in the New York office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP.

PETITION: What is the best piece of advice that you’ve been given in your career?

“Always be the most prepared. Period. Whether it is a call, meeting or court appearance, be the most prepared person there. This piece of advice is something I do not forget and pass on.”

PETITION: What is the best book you’ve read that’s helped guide you in your career?

A Civil Action. It was a requirement to read heading into law school and I went back and read it again years later. It teaches that one lawyer can ultimately make a difference. It also speaks to, and without question demonstrates, the high stakes and personal commitment the profession requires and demands. A must read.”

PETITION: What is the one product that helps make you a more efficient or relaxed pro?

“Wireless headphones. Airpods. But it really can be any wireless headphones at all.…”

PETITION: Cool. Anything interesting you’re listening to at the moment?

"Top hits on Spotify!”

PETITION Note: You’re one in (70) million, Josh!

PETITION: What is one notable trend you expect to see in ’18 that not enough people are talking about?

“Restructuring professionals spend lots of time these days talking about the retail, oil & gas and the healthcare sectors, with much less attention being paid to real estate (both commercial and multi family). While there is still a lot of capital in the market place, rising rates and lower rents may pressure this and cause dislocation later in the year.”

PETITION Note: We agree, Josh. We’ve been writing since our inception that the cavalier attitude that many players in the space have taken vis-a-vis the real estate sector is mistaken. If anything, the recent low price offered by Brookfield Capital Partners for General Growth Properties may be the canary in the coal mine for commercial real estate. Note also, this, relating to the liquidation of The Bon-Ton Stores:

Professional Fees (Long Cannibalization)

$1725/hour = CHA CHING!

What a month ya'll. We can't remember the last time that restructuring fees have gotten so much public and mainstream scrutiny. Last week we noted how The New Yorker took shots at restructuring professional fees in Puerto Rico. This week, Dow Jones Newswires took a look at Seadrill Ltd. and noted that Kirkland & Ellis LLP collected over $47mm in the 12 months prior to the case filing. Shareholders denied an equity committee must love that. Elsewhere, The New York Times gets into the game and asks in a MUST READ "Why Companies Like Toys 'R' Us Love to Go Bust in Richmond, Va." Which, of course, was interesting because they basically took the foundations of our piece here and raised by going "all in," alleging that Virginia is now a favorable venue because of blah ("rocket docket"), blah (debtor-favorable precedent) and BOOM (homies are getting P.A.I.D.). Here's the NYT dropping the bomb: "But perhaps one of the biggest draws, according to bankruptcy lawyers and academics, is the hefty rates lawyers are able to charge there. The New York law firm representing Toys “R” Us, Kirkland & Ellis, told the judge that its lawyers were charging as much as $1,745 an hour. That is 25 percent more than the average highest rate in 10 of the largest bankruptcies this year, according [to] an analysis by The New York Times." Points for creativity: jurisdictional arbitrage is our new favorite form of professional revenue generation. Of course, "the huge fees can eat into the money that is left over for small creditors - typically vendors, suppliers and pensioners." Did someone say "pensioners"? Happy holidays.

Private Equity Recruiting is Bananas

M*therf*ckers Have Lost Their G*d-damned Minds

There is so much to unpack in this stupid piece about the annual private equity recruiting frenzy. First, let's stop calling kids who are weeks out of college "talent" merely because they got a job in an investment bank trainee program. They haven't proven that they're talented at anything just yet. Going to an ivy league school, having a trust fund and being a douche isn't dispositive of anything. So, everyone chime the f*ck down please. Second, these folks get paid $200k? And people say there's no wage inflation? Third, the idea that an ibanker trainee is going to be appreciative for the two years of training a bank has given them and, in turn, give later private equity business to said bank is ludicrous. As a practical matter, his/her connection to that bank lasts a mere few weeks prior to them securing the next bigger, better and more Tinderable gig with which they prefer to identify. This seems like an outdated model with bad assumptions baked into it. The only sure thing seems to be that no matter which one of the PE firms these trainees land at, they'll be hiring Kirkland & Ellis LLP as bankruptcy counsel for one of their busted portfolio companies. Fourth, we love this bit about recruiting being earlier than ever "after an agreement to hold back fell apart." Hahahaha. So, private equity firms - KNOWN FOR DEAL-MAKING - couldn't even come to a deal amongst themselves?? This is like mutually assured destruction among KKRWarburg PincusCarlyle Group LPApollo Global Management LLCBain CapitalBlackstone Group LPTPG and Golden Gate Capital. Here's a great idea: lets trip over ourselves - and each other - to hire people with literally "no work experience." Those interviews must be PAINFUL AF. And, oh, hey you Managing Director. We love that you're "often forced to cancel business meetings last-minute to interview candidates." We're sure a multi-billion dollar transaction can wait for some piss-ant Harvard bro who inexplicably and unnecessarily writes equations on glass to regale everyone with his rad math skills. So lit. On what basis are these kids REALLY getting hired then? We think its probably pretty obvious. And its questionable how this BS still flies. What does any of this have to do with disruption? Well, when you're competing with venture capital and tech to acquire "talent," desperate times seemingly call for desperate measures. Logic has been disrupted. And it's absurd.

Notable (Loan Defaults, Oncor, Staples, Takata Corp)

Loan Deficiencies. Some interesting numbers here.

Oncor. Warren Buffett to the rescue? Perhaps, perhaps not. It seems there may be competition for the asset. It looks like Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP stand to make good fees on the transaction if it goes through.

Staples. Details on Sycamore Partners' proposed LBO financing here.

Takata CorpMore professionals with a seat at the table.

Professional Fees (Long Kirkland & Ellis)

Kirkland & Ellis LLP is printing money generally but Caesars has been particularly lucrative. No news there to anyone paying attention. All of the numbers are staggering, frankly, but on a relative basis, the most astounding number appears to be the amount billed by the Examiner's law firm, Winston & Strawn LLP. Admittedly, we didn't exist when this case was hot and heavy and so we didn't follow it too closely but $32mm - more than counsel to the UCC - seems rich to us. Footnote: did American Lawyer really need to single out one associate? Why is his law school even remotely relevant? So many questions.

IHeartMedia Music Festival > #FyreFestival

We suppose it could be worse: this could be the Fyre Festival. Its looking increasingly likely that the lineup for the next IHeartMedia Music Festival will include U2, Sia, Kendrick Lamar and Kirkland & Ellis LLP*. Something for everyone. We mean, seriously, we'd rather listen to a K&E tax attorney than Ja Rule anyway. Yippee!

*for the uninitiated, K&E is a bankruptcy law specialist.

News for the Week of 2/19/17

  • Capital Markets. The return of the Holdco PIK Toggle bond - a precursor to the inevitable market collapse. Or so they say.
  • Coal. Plants are closing. Looks like some votes from coal country were misplaced.
  • Dead MallsInvesting. See, e.g., this piece on Macerich. We don't typically cite to Seeking Alpha's collection of vagabonds and yahoos, but we found this particular analysis of A Malls interesting.
  • Exploration & Production17 months after filing its prepackaged bankruptcy case(s)...or was it prearranged?...sh*t, it's been so long that we can't even remember, Samson Resources Corporation finally has a confirmed plan of reorganization. We'd be curious to see what the professional fees are as a percentage of debt ($5.6b): perhaps this should be a new in-court ratio for courts to consider as part of 327(a) review. At least we got a new term of art out of it: "the Kirkland Prepack". So, there's that (2x if you consider EFH this week, too). 
  • Nuclear powerToshiba took a beating on Westinghouse this week. And now there are whispers of bankruptcy.
  • Retail. We have a Billions-style therapist in-house who keeps using bad sex metaphors to inspire us to be more positive about retail. Ok, no we don't: last we checked none of you are paying for this newsletter and so how the hell would we afford THAT?! Still, there are some positive signs for retail: Barron's, for instance, thinks Macy's stock has fallen too far and has upside. Meanwhile, specialty women's retailer J.Jill has filed its S-1 under the JOBS Act for an IPO which either means there's one retailer bucking recent trends or - more likely - TowerBrook Capital Partners LP is looking to dump this thing before Amazon gobbles it up like it has everything else. Damn...that was cynical and negative wasn't it?  Well, we tried. 
  • Retail II. This week we learned that Warren Buffett dumped his entire position of Walmart stock ($900mm) which, as this piece notes, ain't exactly a vote of confidence in retail. Perhaps Buffett would have reconsidered had he known about "Moosejaw Madness." You read that right: this week Walmart spent $51mm to purchase Moosejaw, a Michigan-based online retailer (with about a dozen B-and-M locations). Interestingly, the business is similar to Gander Mountain which, as we covered last week, is staring down the barrel of a liquidation. Oh, and hhgregg isn't exactly instilling confidence either (yes, its publicly traded). But, in an ironic twist, Amazon is upping to 8 B-and-M book stores.
  • Retail III. This won't help mall foot traffic: frustrated by a lack of options, start-ups like Dia&Co. are looking to tackle the plus-size market (with wholly-unoriginal Birchbox-style monthly mailings). And a fresh round of funding from well-known VC Sequoia Capital will aid the effort. Speaking of Birchbox, note that the business - despite being copied by a slew of other start-ups - isn't exactly a shining tower of success; it recently took on venture debt (and rif'd staff) and now it's exploring pricier options to juice revenues.
  • Shipping. A bloodbath in China for the shipbuilders and Hanjin Shipping = toast.
  • Uber. With $500 million of delinquent taxi medallion loans, NY state regulators seized the Melrose Credit Union. #disruption 
  • WindNo holding it back